Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N: here's the next chapter I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


I heard the bedroom doors click open.

"Hello? Romulus is that you?" I whispered out in the darkness. But there was no reply, the floor creaked under the footsteps of the mystery person in the room.

"Romulus I don't find this very funny!" I harshly whispered the sound of creaking became louder as it came closer to me.

"Hello love." Dorian said as his hidden face came out of the shadows.

I gasped awake and tried to run from the bed but something was holding me down.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"Tara! Stop it damn it. It's me Romulus!"


"Yes Tara. Are you alright? What happened?"

"Oh Romulus!" I cried and hugged his warm chest. He paused only for a second a little taken aback by my affection to him, but he instantly wrapped his arms around me pulling close.

"What happened?" He said whipping a tear away with his calloused finger.

"It was Dorian." I said in a shaky breath.

Romulus's jaw tightened. "What did he do?"

"Nothing he was just in the room, and said Hello."

"Shhh it's alright now. It was just a dream. Your safe with me." He kissed my head. "You always will be."

We just sat there against the pillows. Romulus sighed in content as he petted my hair, calming me down from my nightmare. We sat there for what felt like hours in the silence. Romulus eventually fell asleep while I stay wide awake in his arms thinking about that horrible nightmare about Dorian. Was it just trauma from the past or perhaps it was Agatha sending me a message that Dorian was coming back for me. My thoughts were interrupted when Romulus started to lightly snore. I started to giggle he looked almost cute, vulnerable even when he was asleep.

"Woman." He mumbled. "Go to sleep."

"But I can't sleep ." I laughed.

He opened one of his eyes, and looked at me. "Shall I occupy you in your need of sleep?" He winked.

I hit his chest hard. "No!"

He let out a booming laugh.

"Alright then just shut your eyes then."

I laid my head back down as i listened to his steady breathing. The moonlight shone down on us from the grand window the light illuminating all of his battle scars. I ran my fingertips over all his scars. One went from his chest all the way down to side. Many were just little gashes. I made my way down his toned stomach to the V of his hips lightly ghosting over the small scars there. Romulus moaned under my touch, I quickly moved my hand away from him.

"Sorry i didn't mean to scare you. Please continue." He said in a husky voice.

I hesitantly placed my hand back on his chest tracing the big scar. Romulus leaned his head back and closed his eyes and moaned at my touch. But I didn't move away this time, I traced his other little scars. He leaned forward and lightly kissed me sliding his tongue along my bottom lip, wanting more. He rolled us over to where he had me pinned down against his hot chest. His kisses were more urgent now but he was still gentle with me. The only thing keeping my bare chest and his bare chest from touching was his thin shirt. Romulus pulled on my my bottom lip oh so desperately wanting more than I could possibly give him. I've had no experience in kissing gentleman although he's probably had many women beyond me.

He lifted me up from the pillows and hugged me against his bare chest, not breaking contact with my lips for a split second. His giant hands roamed over my back and slipped his hands under my shirt. But when he found my scars he stopped. He dragged his fingertip down one of the many lashes that Dorian had marked me with and Romulus pulled his lips from mine.

"Turn around." He calmly stated.

"No." I said weakly not wanting him to see the ugly marks on my back. Afraid that he would yell at me for not showing him sooner.

"Turn around Tara." He said more forcefully. When I didn't comply he easily turned me around and ripped the back of the shirt beholding all of my scars. I clutched the remainder of the shirt to my chest completely frightened by Romulus's rough actions. He lightly ran his fingers over them again and again while i waited for him to start yelling at me but he didn't.

"Did he do this?" He calmly asked.

"Yes." I whispered. He slowly turned me back around while I still clutched onto the ripped shirt.

"Oh Tara, I'm so sorry." I fought hard to hold back the tears that were building up in my eyes as I remembered the pain and humiliation of that night. He cupped my cheek lightly, looking into my eyes.

"These are the markings of a warrior." He smiled "Your one tough wolf and I'll never let any of this happen again." He pulled me to his warm chest in a loving hug, kissing the top of my head.

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