Chapter Fourty

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i shot my gaze up to see if it was really him, or if my mind was just playing tricks on me. But it wasn't, he was really here.

Romulus is alive.

I shot up and wrapped my arms around him, earning a groan from Romulus, but he didn't seem to mind as he pulled me in closer to the point he was taking my breathe away. I pulled away slightly feeling the tears starting to pool in my eyes with complete happiness, still needing a question answered.

"H-How did you survive." I croaked. "I saw you pull out your own heart." Romulus carefully raised a non bloody hand, and stroked my cheek, then gently cupped it in his hand

"It was you my brave wolf. I only managed to plunge my hand in my chest. In which case i'm going to need a few weeks to recover from that." Romulus pulled away and showed me the slowly healing fist sized hole in his chest. "But when i plunged my hand in my chest. I-i don't know it was as if i woke up from a dream, and the first thing i needed to do was find you. It's luck i found you before he could have done some actual damage to you." Romulus looked down at the already rotting corpse of Dorian laying beside our feet.

"He got what he deserved." Romulus spat.

"Maybe not enough." I said recalling the scars on my back. "But that doesn't matter now. We need to see what happened to the rest of the wolves."

"Of course."

Romulus took my hand and guided me over Dorian's body and back down the hall to a foyer filled with wolves, reigning in the final battles, by killing whatever vampires were left. Which wasn't many in fact not any at all. I looked around at the battlefield, and saw more vampires dead, than wolves, but still it was painful to see the faces of people who had so willingly gone into battle. Just for my sake , because of something that was my problem. Lucian came up to me in full human form and hugged me.

"Oh Tara thank god your alright. I saw Dorian grab you, and i couldn't get to you in time."

"That's alright Lucian, someone else did." I smiled and looked up at Romulus. Lucian grabbed Romulus as well and gave him a hug as well, earning another wince from Romulus.

"I'm glad you weren't stupid enough to actually rip out your own heart." Lucian said jokingly,, and Romulus gave him a good punch to the shoulders.

"I'm glad you were there for Tara when i couldn't be." Romulus replied with a warm smile.

"Don't mention it. You would have done the same for me, and besides it was Tara here who so bravely went straight into the vampires' den, so she could rescue you."

"You led the armies?" Romulus said with a proud smile shining across his face.

"No one messes with a Luna." I smiled back and Romulus grabbed me and kissed me, and pulling away ever so slowly telling me that, when he was healed, or maybe even sooner he'd finish that kiss the way he wants to.

"Is that the rest of them?" I asked Lucian nodding towards the remaining werewolves tearing the throats out of the remaining vampires.

"Yes. That's the end of it. What are your next orders?"

"Good, when those men are finished i want you to burn down the entire castle. Turn the entire place to ash."

"Yes Luna." Lucian nodded and headed towards the rest of the men who were waiting outside. Romulus and i soon followed not daring to look back at the massacre one more time. Some of the men went back in though to grab the bodies of the fallen, determined not to let the brave souls of those warriors burn with the rest of the devil's spawn. Once they pulled those fallen soldiers out they went back inside with torches, and started working their way through the castle lighting everything on fire not leaving a single surface untouched by the flame.

The rest of the people from the village came to watch as the castle flickered with flames, mainly so they could watch it burn down ,and dance on it's ashes. Along with the man who caused so much pain.

I didn't't want to watch the castle burn with everyone else, mainly because it was over for me the moment Romulus ripped off Dorian''s head, and i knew he coouldn't hurt me or anyone else that i loved. Romulus didn't''t really want to watch either, because he was too wrapped up in the thought of us having a baby together.

When we walked back too the castle Romulus turned to me.

"So do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?"

"Oh it's definitely going to be a girl. We Scott women always have girls, it would be breaking tradition not to have a girl." I smirked.

"I don't think so. You're a Wolfric woman now,, and Wolfric women always have boys."

"We'll just have to see about that won't we?"


Three Years later:

The sun shone bright on the meadow as i watched my two sons roll down hills repeatedly. Their auburn hair shining in the sunlight, and smiling from ear to ear as they made themselves dizzy, and ruined their new clothes with mud. While Romulus sat off in the middle of the meadow with my little girl comparing the sizes of their hands.

I looked around the familiar meadow, and smiled to myself as i saw my family home standing tall after it's reconstruction, and as i picked all the colors of the wildflowers surrounding me,  so i could make a fairy crown for my little girl.

Things were now as they should be, vampires still existed in the world, but taking down Dorian's empire has shown them, that we will not stand for injustice, to werewolves or to humans. Although my physical scars of Dorian's torment never faded, the mental imprint he left inside me did, along with my continuous nightmares of him, and it's all thanks to my beautiful children, and loving husband. I couldn't have asked for a better ending.

*** The End***

A/N: I hope this is what you all were looking for because honestly to me this is better than the crap i had before, so once again i thank you for joining Tara on her horrific journey through the supernatural world.

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