Chapter 3 - She's A Little Runaway

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The next day. It's finally time. The chronometer says it's midnight, and Leia's parents have gone to bed. "Early to bed, early to rise" and all that nonsense. Leia herself quietly sits up in bed with her journal out, propped on one knee.

Diary of Leia Organa

Well, it's finally time! It's exactly midnight, which means I need to head out as soon as possible. I thought about saying good night to my parents . . . but I'm not quite sure they would've been around. Plus, I'm still angry with Dad. He could've stood up for me yesterday, but no.

So, I stayed right in my room and finished packing some things in my bag: a light change of clothes, a hairbrush and hair ties, a little bit of food, my datapad, a glow rod, and I'll be packing this journal and pen. I had to really cram everything into my bag because it's not exactly built for travel.

I honestly have NO idea where I'm actually GOING. I don't have a plan . . . which makes me kind of mad at myself. I really should've come up with some sort of idea about what's going to happen. I mean, I can't exactly just leave and live on the streets for a few days. I'll need to seek out a ship right away. That's going to be the hardest part of the whole ordeal. Which means I'm on a bit of a time crunch, seeing as I have to scope out a ship tonight at some point. Best to get that out of the way.

Almost every bone in my body is screaming at me to NOT run away. It definitely seems quite . . . I don't know . . . extreme. What will my mother and father think? I hope they don't think someone kidnapped me, because I don't want to lead them down the wrong trail. After all, they are my parents. The last thing I want to do is worry them to death.

However, I'll be worrying them just by not being here when they wake up. There's a good chance that someone will be sent out to find me. Little do they know that I'll most likely be off-planet by then. What a thought.

This plan to stow away is extreme, but it's also sounding kind of fun! Being a stowaway on someone's ship will be an adventure! And my very first time off-planet!

I just need to make sure that the pilot doesn't see me! I can sneak food when I need it, and I can use the sanistream when they're asleep or something. It kind of depends though. Will the ship I choose even HAVE a sanistream? With my luck, I'll end up choosing some sort of pirate ship. That seems like it could be dangerous, if you ask me.

Anyway, I should probably stop journaling and get moving. I've never left the palace at NIGHT before, so this is going to be difficult. My parents' room is right next to mine, so they'll hear any loud noises I make. Looks like it's tiptoes from here on out.

I need to go before I regain my sanity and change my mind. Wish me luck.

She closes her journal, putting it and her pen in her satchel. Being as ready as she'll ever be, Princess Leia rolls out of bed and creeps slowly to her terrace doors. She nervously glances at the wall that separates her room from her parents'.

I hope I don't regret this, Leia thinks offhandedly.

She doesn't want to wait any longer, so she sneaks to the glass doors and rests a hand on one of the old-fashioned doorknobs. Carefully and slowly, Leia turns the knob and cracks the door open.

She cringes as the door makes the slightest squeak. Thankfully, it isn't loud enough for her parents to hear—or so she hopes.

When the door is open wide enough, Leia slips through the opening and closes it behind her. She's not out on her balcony very often, but it's one of her favorite places in the palace. It's nowhere near the highest point on Alderaan, but from here, Leia feels close to the stars. The air is crisp and cool, refreshing against the warm air drifting in from her room.

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