Chapter 41 - Rookies

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A/N: *tumbles through doorway* I'M HERE, I'M ALIVE, I HAVE CHAPTER 41!!

So you probably already noticed I'm LATE again. Typical.
All the internet apologies for y'all, because I wasn't planning on having that much stuff to do over the weekend. Also typical.

But never fear, chapter 41 is here! I know a certain someone who was staring daggers at the last To Be Continued (ya know who ya are, heh), which is relatable. Sorry for making you wait this long! Hope this chappie doesn't disappoint! ;)

Oh, and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY for those who celebrate it! If you don't celebrate it, HAPPY TUESDAY!!!!

Now for some review responses:

thechosenbibliophile: HEY, I got your name right this time! :) HAHA, yeah Han has his work cut out for him. The twins aren't easy to deal with all the time.
Vader will see the twins soon enough. . .and trust me, he's in deeper than Han is XD

ShaniShinx: Whoa, thanks for the marathon read! Yeah, Vader's in for a surprise. Glad you're enjoying the story!! :D

changingdestiny40:Yeah, so, basically, the twins panicked, which is why those first troopers are dead now. Actually, it's better that way, because (in the long run) the stormtroopers would've just attacked them anyway, just like the ones on the main floor. Then the odds would have been a *tad* worse, so who knows—maybe it was the guidance of the Force ;)
The twins will get to Vader soon, and the shuttle is on "autopilot" sorta. It's in hyperspace, so it's on a plotted course at the moment.
AAAHHH your questions regarding their destiny are super good and valid, but I can't answer them, because that's coming up sooooon XD but I promise it'll all work out in the end, probably with an annoying To Be Continued :p

SeanHicks4: hi there! Oh, wow, I didn't know that about the lightsaber! That's so cool! Thanks for telling me :) Basically, I meant Luke was having a hard time with the lightsaber because it was his first time deflecting anything actually deadly, haha. But thanks for that info—I'll make a note :D


Leia rolled over, subconsciously enjoying a blissful sleep on the shuttle floor. A soft humming noise was sending warm vibrations over the metallic floor, and Leia reveled in the tranquility.

The world behind the princess's eyes was dark and void of any stressful problems. It was the first decent rest Leia had gotten since she left Luke's house.

Luke, however, was now hyped with leftover adrenaline. He had woken up a while ago, but all the day's events exploded in his mind, sending him into a victorious frenzy. His thoughts, unlike Leia's, were bouncing around his mind, sending buzzes of energy through Luke's core.

I actually used a lightsaber and fought stormtroopers and we didn't die—ohmigosh we just did that!

Unfortunately, Luke's uncontrollable enthusiasm was no match for Leia when she was asleep.

Luke knew he shouldn't wake Leia, especially considering the emotional and physical exhaustion that was so obviously radiating off of her. Yet, something made Luke want to celebrate with his twin over their victory. Besides, when would they get another chance to have fun after they landed the shuttle (wherever the heck they were headed)?

"Leia?" Luke whispered carefully. His sister remained dormant.

"Leia?" Nothing. "Leeeeeiiaaaa." Not any movement. "Hello? Are you alive?" Silence. "Leia. Leia. LEIA LEIA LEIA LEIA LEIA. TWIN. SISTER. Wake up!!"

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