Chapter 43 - And Into the Fire

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A/N: Okay, Star Wars EU books are officially my favorite thing ever. I've been reading them for like two years now, but my forever favorite will be The Courtship of Princess Leia. I definitely totally 100% recommend it if you've ever wondered what happened leading up to Han and Leia's marriage XD

SO! How's everyone doing today?? I'm on spring break, so I guess you could say life is good for me :p It's about TIME they let us kids out of that juvenile learning prison.

Alright, so, welcome to chapter 43! This puppy just keeps going, doesn't it? Don't worry—it'll be tying up the loose ends and ending pretty quickly after these next few chapters (and this time I'm not kidding, heh). Just as a recap, Luke and Leia have stowed away ONCE MORE on an Imperial shuttle, on their way to Darth Vader's personal Star Destroyer, the Devastator.

Things will pick up into a run, then a jog, then it'll slow down and we can all catch our breath, haha. Bear with me, guys.


changingdestiny40: Excellent point! XD the twins are certainly in over their heads. . .but so is Vader, so I'd say they're about equal. Plus, Vader is the one that'll have to deal with two Force-sensitive teenagers. I almost feel bad for the guy. . .almost.

Well, yeah, you'll be able to see what she looks like in stormtrooper armor in this chapter, actually. You're right—she's pretty short. So is Luke. . .yikes. The twins will look GREAT, I'm sure ;)

Luke was maybe possibly kinda sorta dreaming about Vader, which matches up pretty much PERFECTLY with the dream Leia had a while back, if you remember that. I wonder if that will be significant...*wink wink*

WHOA, NO, Vader won't be killing that lieutenant!! He just knows that the members of lower ranks don't really have a lot of recognition and victory, so he's letting this one guy revel in his (probably only) good day :p Haha, I can see why you thought that, though XD

Thanks for the review!

Nobodythestormcrow: No problem! I love responding to reviewers ^_^!!

Ooh, what's your fanfic's name?? Is that your only story, or is there more? I'd totally be willing to check your page out! I'm always looking for stuff to read, hehe XD

Yeahhh. . .I'm gonna go with "maniac crazy evil overlord" Palpatine. . .but I guess we'll have to wait and see ;)

Thanks so much for the review!! :)

Well, everybody, buckle your seatbelts.


As the room continued to fill with smoke, Luke stared at the pile of shiny stormtrooper armor on the floor. He had removed it from the stormtroopers a few minutes ago while Leia yelped and covered her eyes.

"Leia, calm down," Luke had said, rolling his eyes. "It's not a big deal."

Leia gaped at her brother. "But. . .they're not. . .decent," she had replied, wincing.

Now she was facing away from the troopers, even though Luke insisted they were still wearing dark clothes that were underneath the armor.

"So," Luke began. "Here goes nothing. . ."

Leia immediately whipped around to look Luke in the eye.

"What?! You're not actually going to—"

"Leia, I already told you: I'm serious! Their masks filter out smoke, and it'll be an easy way to blend in when we land."

"If we land," Leia muttered sardonically.

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