Chapter 48 - Everyone Has Secrets

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A/N: HAAAIIII! Nice of you to join me on this lovely day! No, but seriously, it's summer and I'm pretty stoked about it!! Plus, it's the 48th chapter, which means we're ALMOST DONE! Woooo wooooooo! *flies off stair railing*

If you've stuck around this long in the story, you da real MVP. Truly.


Nobodythestormcrow: Thanks for the review! YAY, glad you think they're cute! :) Yeah, that poor guard. He's not gonna get in trouble or anything, but it was probably a hassle to get outta that cell XD

master-walker: Hi, and welcome! Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying it enough to jump for joy ;) Haha, no, I totally understand. My first few chapters are NOT my best work whatsoever XD I even recently considered putting a little disclaimer in my summary like "BEWARE THE OPENING CHAPTERS" LOL XD Hope you decide to stick around! :)

changingdestiny04: Hi! I always love reading your reviews XD  Yep! Luke and Leia are equally strong in the Force, they just tend to use it at different times. They're kinda developing at different paces, so it makes it a little uneven, haha. Plus, they're both still working on controlling it, so sometimes things just happen that make them go "Wait, did I do that?".
I know, right? That armor is useless. It's legit plastic. It's gotta be! XD
Hmm, no promises about Padme stepping in, but hey, ya never know ;)
She's got less undying confidence and more thrill-seeking blood, but yeah, basically the same XD Oh, don't worry, she's definitely gonna make things worse, heh.

Alright, time for the chapter!! Get ready, guys. You aren't ready for this one XD



"Wait up!" Luke hollered down the hall. Leia was already far ahead of him, and she didn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

She did, however, turn back long enough to reply, "Keep up!"

So, with an aggravated sigh, that's exactly what Luke did.

He also couldn't help noticing that Leia looked way too happy for the somewhat dire circumstances. For all they knew, Darth Vader could be on his way. Did he feel them leave the cell? Was he secretly tracking them somehow? He was Vader—they didn't know the extent of his powers. They could be in huge trouble and not even know it.

Additionally, it didn't help matters that Luke and Leia weren't wearing their armor anymore. If they got caught, there was no easy way out of it. Pretending to be soldiers wouldn't quite work in this case. But the armor weighed them down and created a whole other realm of inconveniences, so he wasn't exactly feeling the loss.

Luke also had to smile at Leia's appearance. With every day that passed, she looked less and less like a princess. Leia's tank top, dusty pants and satchel hardly gave the impression of royalty. Luke wondered if she realized that fact, and if she did, did she mind? Probably not.

She did act like a princess though—at least to Luke's standards. Maybe all her actions didn't completely portray an air of poise and grace. . .but she did carry dignity and compassion. Luke didn't know much about princesses or their required traits, but he thought Leia seemed fit for the role.

Yet, as she jogged down the sleek hallway of Vader's Star Destroyer, she seemed much more tough than any regular princess. And Luke was okay with that.

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