Chapter 53 - Hakuna Matata (It Means No Worries)

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A/N: OMG, HAAAIII!!! I haven't seen you all since October!! I've missed youuuuu!!! :)

So. Quick little life update: life is busy - busier than it's ever been, if I might add. And this chapter has been sitting here for a while, and once again, I somehow managed to forget about it for TWO MONTHS.

Hopefully you guys are still out there XD

So yep, here's chapter 53! There will be an important note at the end of this chapter, so stick around till then if you wanna :p

Again, if you think you might have trouble remembering the way things are going in this story, you may wanna head back to chapter 51 or 52 to refresh your memory, haha :)


Guest 1: Thank ya! They may or not have a plan to leave, but you didn't hear that from me, heh. Yeah, those kids are always on the move. Hard to keep a Skywalker in one place :p

Pheobe Buffay: Thank youuu! Leia is essentially the one who wants answers - Luke is just following along (he's curious too, though).
You mean, *if* they find out Vader is their father XD Leia knows, but she doesn't *know*, if that makes any sense. She doesn't have any solid proof yet, anyway.
The twins won't be meeting Ashoka in this story, but maybe in a sequel? I'll keep the idea in mind! Thanks for your review!

Victoria: Thanks for the kind review, and the Marathon Read XD Omg, I'm so glad you like the story! It's always nice to get some feedback about the way Leia is portrayed in here, so thanks for that too! Sorry this update took so long...hopefully it doesn't disappoint XD

Guest 2: Thank ya so much! Vader hasn't told them for a lot of reasons. They would probably get really mad, they'd hate him, they'd be mad at their adoptive guardians, etc etc...and he *really* doesn't need that kind of drama right now, heh. I mean, look at how Luke reacted in Empire Strikes Back! Not exactly thrilled :p
Yep, many more adventures to come! :)

Guest 3: Thank you!!! :)

Andy T: I'm glad you think it's exciting!! Leia, yeah....she's a spunky one, hehe. Vader won't have to come back and find them missing...because they may or may not go looking for him instead :p Thank you so much for the review!

changingdestiny40: Yeah, Motti is a canon character, but we don't see very much of him in the movies. Remember when (in A New Hope) Vader said, "I find your lack of faith disturbing"? He was saying it to Motti, I believe XD Motti isn't against the Empire, but he's not a big fan of the *Emperor*. Who is, really? :p
The thing is, Vader himself just doesn't like talking about "Anakin". It reminds him too much of his past life, and anyone who brings it up tends to get punished (or at least, I assume). He's probably bumped off a few people for it, and I guess others just learned from the example. Plus, I'm sure most people on the Imperial fleet don't even know that Anakin and Vader are the same person. Vader's a secretive guy, heh.
Leia definitely doesn't want to admit that her dad know.
Thanks for the review, as usual!!!

Maride: Aw, thank you! Leia and Ashoka are totally spunky. The spunkiest XD
Yeah, one of the reasons I made this story was because *I* wanted to see more of Child Leia, and I guess some other people did too, cuz here we are! XD thanks for your review!

Guest 4: Yeah, thank you!!! They'll for sure interact some more with Vader, and maybe have a little adventure beforehand? We'll see XD

Jaime: Thank youuu! I'm glad you like the twins XD They'll get some answers eventually, you have my word ;)

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