EXTRA part 2 Charlotte Miller

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Everyone knows that Charlotte Miller is Candace's mother. But what people dont know is her past.

Charlotte was brought up to be the next queen of the Miller clan. Charlotte hated the way she was brought up. To be nice to everyone, to wear dresses and going to meetings with different clans. She even had a arrange marriage with either a Hyuga or an Uchiha. But there was one thing she loved.

Being a ninja.

She would disguise as someone else to be in the acadamy and so her mother and father would not find out. Most of the time she is gone at school, they think she is having a dancing lesson, nope.

Charlotte was on team 7 with the 4th hokage. Her team mates Kakashi, Obito, and Rin. She hates Kakashi because of his bad attatude. But had a small crush on Obito, but he never looked at her as he loved Rin and Rin loved Kakashi.

It was during the last mission they had that Charlotte told Obito she loved him. But  the time she told him, he was dieing.

 But what many didnt know if that Obito loved Charlotte too. So when Kakashi killed Rin. Obito promissed himself that he was going to change this world and get the last girl that loved him.

Obito followed Charlotte her whole live that was till she meet Charles. She never forgotten Obito,but Charles helped her with the pain as he had the same thing happen to him.

Obito was mad as he saw another man on his girl, but he knew that she thought he was dead. Charlotte fell in love with Charles after some time, but her mother and father hated the boy. they never wanted her to see him, as they wanted her to marry someone of power like a Uchiha or Hyuga but couldn't.

But as Charlotte was at the age of marriage, she was pregnant with a baby girl. Charle's baby, but Charles was now a S-Ranked ninja for a crime he never did, but no one believed him.

On October 10. Charlotte gave birth to a red haired baby girl. Her eyes and hair. Was all his her fathers. Charlotte named her little girl Candace. Pure White Fire. She would be brought up in the land of the will of fire. The leaf village, but that changed when Obito attacked. He had released the nine tailed fox on the leaf village, as it attacked, he went to the miller compound.

Obito saw his love give birth to that mans child, but she should be his child. He made sure that he would have the child as his bride. "What a lovely girl, Charlotte." Obito said as he walked into the room.

Lord Leon and Lady Darlene gasped as Leon toke a kunai out to protect his loved one. "Madara, We told you before never to show your face." Madara before had tried to marry into the Miller clan to gain the Riogon.

"Im not here for your, Leon. Im here for my new bride." Charlotte held Candace close. "Never!" She yelled. He chuckled as he froze her mother and father in a genjutsu. "I wasnt talking to you, Charlotte, Im talking about your Pure White Fire, Candace."

Candace opened her eyes looking at Madara (Obito) She started to cry, wanting to get away from him. "Shee there there. You'll be mine." He said with a grin no one saw..

 A kunai was thrown at Madara, making him back up. Charlotte had handed her mother little Candace. "Take her and yourselfs out of here." She told them. Her father opening a time portal and passed threw. Madara tried to go after them, but Charlotte blocked him. "Im not letting you get her." she blocked his attack as the portal closed.

Madara plunged a kunai into her stomach. "I will get here." he said as he disappered as the third hokage showed up. He asked Charlotte where her mother and father was and her child. Telling him where they gone, and died in his arms.

The hokage put her name as her mother and fathers name on the KIA stone, knowing little candace will oneday show up.

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