Ch 20 Talking with him

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It was a month later I got out of the hospital. I had a scar on my arm where hidan cut his arm open. The burns healed which left no mark on my right side. I tied my head band around my stomach. And left the hospital.

I walked down the streets of Konoha. People walking by selling items, ninja weapons, gear, scrolls. For some reason, my head wasnt in the game. I was thinking about my mother and how she saved me. I wanted to know more. But the only two that problely knew is third Hokage and Madara.

I saw Kiba and Akakmaru running to me. As the stopped Kiba was panting. "Lady.....Lady Tsunade.....wants to....give me a sec to get my breath." He panted out. After a few seconds, he stood up. "Lady Tsunade wants to talk to about a new mission." He said. I nodded and left to go to the Hoakges office.

As I walked up the stair I felt eyes on me. I used a little chakra to see who it was, but no one was near me. "Hm." I entered Tsunades office.

"You wanted to see me my lady?" I asked as I sat down. Tsunade nodded as she opened her desk to get a scroll. "Candace, when Im about to give you is for your eye and mine only. There is some one who wants to talk to you but it my take time to look for him." I nodded as I toke the scroll.

"If I may ask." She nodded to go on. "Who is the man." She toke a deep breath. "Your father." My eyes went wide. My Fatgher? The father I never knew, thst was never there for me. "What? No, My grandparnts told me he was died." She looked up me.

"In that wolrd you never knew if he was alive or not. But here he is. What was his name in your world that Lady Darlene gave you?" She asked me. "Charles Walkins." She nodded as she toke another scroll. It had a mans face on it with red hair. My eyes went wide.

"Your fathers name is Saizo Lynn. That is where your middle name came from. Saizo was spotted near the boarder of Konoha and Suna. He might have moved since last spotted. Candace I just want you to talk to him. He thinks you are died." She told me. I looked down and nodded. "And after I talk what do I do?" I asked her. She sighed. "Bring him in." My eyes widen. "He is also a S-ranked ninja that is very bad news. talk to him and get him back her."

I nodded again. "How long to I have to get him back to the village." "4 months. If you can not, kill him." I nodded and toke the scroll as I left.

My father? A man that is a S-ranked ninja, and a bad one at that. I sighed looking at the scroll in my hand with his picture on it. He had red hair, black eyes with a tint of blue in them, handsome for about 59 years old.

"Boarder of Konoha and suna." I said as I went home to pack a bag. "Hope I do not find any Akatsuki members on my way there." I said to my self.

That following day I left the village running north westwhere Saizo was spotted. Kakashi lended me his dogd just in case I found something for them to follow. all I had to do was summion them.

At noon I found a Dango hunt and stopped for a bit to eat. As I sat I heard two voices.

"Hey sempie this looks like a great place to eat." It was a high pitched voice, annyoing and sounded like I know the voice. "Yeah yeah, what ever Tobi, un." I spit my tea I got out. I looked over my shoulder and it was them. "Shit. shit shit." I whisped.

I felt eyes on me. "HM." "What you thinking, Sempie." Tobi asked Deidara. "That red head over there. I feel like I know her." I started to sweat.  "Oh? Like an old girl friend?" That earned a slap for tobi by Deidara. "No you moron like i battle her before. Red head girl,un. HM. Thats it, Candace." He said. SHIT!

The lady placed my dangos on the table and placed my money on the table. I got up and ran. "Yep. Hey miller." SHIT. I heard them run after me. Shit, why me.

I jumpped from tree to tree as I entered the forest. Hearing them still behind me. "Oh miller." It was deidara. I felt something fly by me. I gasped and ducked as he had sent clay birds after me. More and more. 'Im just looking for my father, not to hard, but with to members of the Akatsuki on my tail is little harder then I thought.' I told my self as I jumped down. I turned around and sent a bolt of lighten thier way. Deidara dodged it, but tobi got hit. 'Stupid madara, looking dumb infront of me.' I thought.

After an hour I had finally lost them.

I slid down a tree to caght my breath. I felt something sharp close to my neck. "Hello, cherry." I looked up to see 'Tobi'. "Madara." I grabbed his arm and threw him across the feild. He jumped back landing on his feet. "Now now, candace. I just want to talk for now. "  I looked at him with one eye brow raised.

"About?" I asked him. He chuckled. "About your mother of course and you too." I glared at me. "How about I let you see my foot up your ass." I said making him chuckle again.

"Dont believe me, look foryour self." Suddenly my vision was black. I looked around to find myself in my home. I could hear talk. "She's going to be fine." I followed the voices and found a lady with orange hair and a man with black. Then a baby cry was heard. They smiled and entered the room.

"Its a girl." I entered the room and my eyes went wide. I was looking at my mother 16 years ago. There was a pink bundle in her arms. She moved the cloth and there was me. Suddenly Madara came, saying how I was to be his future wife. My mom helped me get to a new world with my grandfather and grandmother. Mom saved me from madara grip, only to loss her life.

Soon the trees came back and Madara stood there smirking. "Did you like what you saw?" He asked me. I frowned and ran at him with a kunai in my hand. "You really did kill my mother, you bastard!" I yelled throwing kunais and shiurkin at him, all went though him. He laughed and grabbed me by my thoat. I gagged to reath.

"I did, and you heard me say you will be my bride for the new world, you will be." He said and threw me to the ground. I coughed to breath. "See you soon, candace." And with that he left. I sat up and let the tears pour down my face. "That ass." I cried.

That night I made camp for myself. Tomorrow I would look for my father again. Looking up at the stars I saw one shoot across the sky. Closing my eyes wishing fo my wish to come true.

IM BACK! WHO MISSED ME? Sequal to 'my life in the naruto world.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant