ch 37 I DO!

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Hinata brushed my hair as i looked in the mirror. My girl friends were getting my dress ready for tomorrow. I looked down at my left hand were the ring is. I smiled. "Do we have the food ready for tomorrow?" Temari asked a man. He nodded and left with some table cloths.

I looked at Sakura and Ino as they made the bouquet. It was very blue. I had asked Gaara for the theme to be blue, for my mother he said yes. TenTen was making a list of people that was showing up.

A hand was placed on my shoulders. I looked up and smiled as I saw Tsunade. "Ready for tomorrow?" She asked me. I looked down. "Im a little scared. Im getting married right before the war starts, what if either me or him dies. We both cant life with out eachother." I said playing with the ring.

She made me look at her. "You and him are soul mates. You make him very happy." She said.

Temari nodded as she set down the clip board. "Gaara loves you very much, Candace. He may not have known what was love when we were younger, but the way he looks at you. His eyes shine with such happieness."

I started to cry. It was true cause it was the same for me. I've loved him longer then he knows. "Yes Im ready." They all smiled. "Then lets get you ready." Tsunade said as she handed me my dress.

I had put on the dress. Sakura handed me my bouquet ( .

We were having a midnight wedding. I didn't know who was going to walk me down the ile.

Hinata had done my hair, to wavy long. I smiled as the girls went out as Hinata was my maid of honor, and the rest my brides maids. Naruto was the best man.

I heard the music for the bride to come down the ile, but. kakashi smiled at me as he walked up. "Ill be taking you down." I nodded as I toke his arm.

The doors open and I was happy.

He walked me down the ile. I looked at everyone as they stood up. But the eyes I saw was Gaara's as he smiled. A big one. Kakashi stopped and kiss my cheek. "I'll be giving Candace Lynn Miller away from her passed mother." I sniffled as I wished she was still her.

I looked at Gaara and smiled. The prist look out at everyone. "We are gathered here tonight for Gaara No Shukaku and Candace Lynn Miller to be one. They had made their own I do's." Gaara turned to me.

"Candace, the first time I saw you, I had thought I was going to kill you, but when you told I wasn't a monster, something in me just told me that I shouldn't lose you. I think it was mother telling me to never lose you, or I would get hurt pretty bad.  I had slipped that opal ring on your finger years ago." My eyes went wide. He was the one who did that?

"When I was kidnapped by the Akatsuki, you were the first one to come save me. I thought I was going to lose you forever, but when you  and Naruto brought me back, I only thought of my village and you." I smiled at him. 'And I would love if you would be my wife."

"Gaara, I had loved you before we even met. In the world I was, I could tell that you were lonley, sad, and just wanted a friend. I was like you in that world, but when I came back here, I was so happy that I was able to meet you for real. I met you that night, and told you how I knew about you. And when you died cause of the Akatsuki, I died too. I knew  you would be alive again, but it hurt just as much. I love you Gaara, with my heart and my soul. And I want you to be my husband."

We then kissed. Everyone clapped for us. I blushed as I was 16 and married to the man I love dearly.

At the reception (  ) I could't believe that our friends put all of this together for Gaara and me.

I sat down next to Gaara. Naruto stood up with a glass of sake in his hand. "I want to make a toast, to Gaara and Candace. All of have been friends for a few years, and we may all hit hard times here and there. Let their love anf friendship last for a life time." I blushed as Gaara held my hand. We toasted to his speach.

I stood up and toke the mic. "I would like to do a song for Gaara, You have been my love for a long time, my angel that has been though so much darkness."

The music begain as I never toke my eyes off of Gaara, he blushed as I started.

"  Angel of darkness

Angel of darkness

The world is in your hand

But I will fight until the end

Angel of darkness

Angel of darkness

Don't follow your command

But I will figth and I will stand


When darkness falls

Pain is all

The Angel of Darkness

will leave behind

and I will fight


The love is lost

beauty and light

have vanished from

garden of delight

The dreams are gone

midnight has come

the darkness is our new kingdom



Hunt goes on

deep in the night

time to pray

down on your knees

you can't hide from the

eternal light

until my last

breath I will figth( I will fight...)


Now realise

the stars they die

darkness has

fallen in paradise

but we'll be strong

and we will fight

against the

creatures of the nigh!"

I put my hand on Gaara's cheek. "My angel of darkness." He blushed deep as everyone clapped.

A few hours we cut the cake. ( )

Opened our gifts from our friends, got a lot of cooking items. It was now 10 AM, Everyone started to go back to their hotels, as we had the wedding in Suna. Kankuro, Temari, Gaara and I went back to the house.

I set everything in the kitchen so I could take of it later. My sister and brother-in-law went to bed, as for Gaara and me, well lets just say that he made the room sound poof with his sand and we made love.

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