Ch 36 WAR

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I blushed so much as I wrapped my arms around him. We broke apart. "And I love you.  I never want to lose you." He made a small smile.

I walked with Gaara to our team. I wore my 'Shinobi' Headband on my head. My red hair tied in a long ponytail. Everyone was spread to different 5 teams. I was on Gaara's team.

"Can we really win with such little leaders?" They started to talk about Gaara and me. He looked down at me. Gaara moved sand between the two that was fighting to break them apart.

Here this now!" I yelled out getting everyones eyes on me. "Three wars we have fought with eachother! The hatred and lust people have, gave birth to Gaara." I put my hand at him. "But out of everything he has gone though, Myfriend and My commrade, NARUTO UZUMAKI helped him though the darkness. A leaf, like me. But you who stand before me, A Miller. Last of my clan. The akatsuki has hurt us all. But you who are not my enemis, nor my friends. There is no Rock, Mist, Sand, Leaf, or Cloud!. We are Ninja! We are Shinobi! And if you hold a grudge on my finacee, You'll have to go though me! That friend of ours. He is the one the akatsuki are after, and I want to protect him with my life." I started crying

Gaara put his hand on my shoulder. "I want to protect him, this world and everyone. I am young, I dont know much, but please. Lend me your stregth, your skills, and talents. Please as we are SHINOBI!!" Iyelled out as I looked over the ninjas.

They were quite, but soon cheered.  "YEAH" "Go Ninjas" I smiled as Gaara patted my head as I smiled at him.

We all spread out. "Be save." I whispered out as I walked with Gaara down to the group. The war has brgun.

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