Ch 39 Love is hard to let go! Mother Vs Daughter!

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Gaara had summon his sand to fight his father as I looked at my mother, she looked the same when I 'Died'

Suddenly she was wrapped in Gaara's sand, looking like "Karura?" I whispered as the sand looked like Gaara's mother. Something covered above me. I looked up to see a sandKarura wrapping her hands around me, and another one covering Gaara.

I touched the sand as I started to cry. Karura loves me even if she didnt kow me, because I love her son. "My mother loved me." Gaara said as his father nodded. I could feel the tearscome down hard as Gaara was also crying. And now I have to face my mother.

"Thank you Karura, Ill watch over him and our family." I wispered in the sand as It went on my body like a sheild. I looked at my self, 'She'll protect Gaara and me, thank you.' I thought as I looked at my mother with a frown. I jumped at her, and she jumped back.

We made our way to a clearing. "Candace.......You grown." She said as she walked up to me. I held my head down. Tears started to pour down. "Why did he have to bring you into this!" I yelled as I gripped my fists. "My couldnt Kabuto leave me alone! he is like Orochimaru!! Soame with MADARA" I yelled as I stomped my foot. Her hand as on my shoulder making me look up at her. She too was crying.

I hugged her. SHe was never there for me as I grew up, nana and papa passed away too soon when I needed help. My only family was my friends, and Now Gaara as my husband.

"Mo-mother, Did you love Tobi when you were young?" I asked her as I didnt wasnt to fight her, but I knew I would like how I battled dad.

She nodded, and frowned as she petted my hair. "I know he is behind this. But I should have stopped him, but he was the one that killed me." She said she summoned her sword.

"Im sorry" I said as I grabbed my sword and ran at her. She blocked with her sword. I summoned my lighting to shock her, but she used ground to cover her sword.

I jumped back. Doing a few signs and opened my eyes to show the Rioagon. She smiled as she ran at me, I used my slow mo jutsu and she kept her smile on.

"I-I'm sorry." I cried as I plunged the sword into her stomach, she stumbled back and fell to her side. The cut in her stomach looked like paper. "Do it candace, please I dont want to hurt my baby" she cried out as I nodded.

I used a seal to cover her body with. I lit a match to burn it. "Im proud to call myself Charlotte millers daughter." I said as a picture was burning too, a small picture of mother and me if she lived that night.

A feeling ran though my body as I ran after Gaara and the others. I forgot!

"I FORGOT!" I yelled as Madara, the real one was summoned.

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