Ch 40 the real Madara

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I ran as fast as I could. My heart pounding in my chest. Running onto a rock that could see everything. I looked for him. Turning my head to the sides and soon found him. He had just been summoned. Jumping back to Gaara and the rest and to see naruto.

"Get back!" I yelled. Everyone blinked at me. "Candace" Naruto said. He went to touch me. "I said get back! Make everyone retreat now! This is an order!" I yelled grabbing my sword. "We are no match for this one." I whispered as they started to walk up the rock.

My breathing got heavy as I saw the long raven black hair, those red eyes that could cut though anyones soul and torment them to no end. Madara Uchiha, the real one. My hands were shaking as they gripped the sword.

Madara looked at everyone. I turned my head back to see them still standing. Soon Madara jumped down infront of us. "RUN!" I yelled as I did a few hand signs. "Water style:Wall wall!" I yelled as water came from my mouth and wrapped around us to form a water wall. As I did Madara formed a gianted fire ball.

As it hit, steam filled the air. Seeing my men still stand ing there. "Morons" I jumped to the air. "Candace!" Naruto yelled at me.

Made sure not to look in his eyes. Or else. Naruto had done his rasengan and the old man his earth style jutsu. "It wont work" I whispered as Madara summoned Susanoo.

I closed my eyes as I entered sage mode. Naruto did too and threw his rasen surriken at Madara, only for him to suck the chakra. He jumped back up on the rock above us.

I came back down. Seeing my men taking bodys and running. "Told them before." Seeing those two talk, knowing Kabuto is talking. Madara glared at me as I glared back. The earth started to shake as everyone looked up into the sky. My eyes widen. A huge metor headed for us. 'Could I take it out?' I thought gripping my sword,

Gaara and everyone started to order everyone back. I shook my head as a hand was on my shoulder. Looking up to see Naruto. "I told them before to run and now look." I said as the old man started to use his earth jutsu to stop the metro with his body. gaara helped by stopping it with his sand. I shook my head as I jumped on to of the metro.

"Cadance!?" People called out. I put so much of my chakra into my sword as my eyes changed into the riogan. "AH!" I yelled jumping at the metro, touching it with my sword as it started to cut though. I soon was at the end and the metro was in too. I stopped my sage mode as I was breathing heavy.

Suddenly, a pair of hands were around my neck, making it hard to breath. I glared down to see Madara holding me. He tighten him grip. making blood come out of my mouth. "A miller, so weak after all. just like your grandfather" I dug my nails into his arm. Being lefted up and them smaked into the ground. Coughing up blood. "The last I hear. You and your comrades will die in this war."

I looked at him and my eyes widen as he had the myshangingan eyes. I could see what was going to happen. Making me scream. Someone kicked him off me, as I gagged for air. Pushing myself up onto my knees to see all the kages together. "Naruto, Take candace out of here. get a healer to her." Tsunade said as she cracked her knuckles.

I shook my head. "N-no I cant leave you. All five of you are no match." I begged them as Naruto put his arms around me. We vanished away from them as I screamed no. Soon I was with the real Naruto and Killer Bee, Naruto hitting the fake Madara in the head. 'Obito'

"Bee watch her, she is in no need to fight." Naruto said. I shook my head as he gave me to Bee. "N-no I need to go back." "Hold up little lady. you need to rest your body." Tears started to show. 'No, Gaara' I thought

We saw Obito with 2-7 tailed beasts. Knowing Naruto and Bee had to fight I could try to get back to the kages.

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