Ch 2. Team seven again but its missing someone.

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I nodded as they looked at me. "are you sure candace?" lady Tsunade asked me. "yes. I know what is going to happen in the next two weeks. That's why in three days I would like to go to Suna. That's we're they'll hit first." naruto looked at me with wide eyes. "Suna? Isn't that we're Gaara is?" I nodded. "they are after the Shukaku." lady tsunade nodded. "yes talk to me and we"ll see." I nodded. I would have to come back here later.

"now then." we counting me, Sakura, and we looked at Kakashi. "let's see how you three have trained your selfs over the years." he said as he held up three bells. "we smiled and nodded. "o.k!"

We walked though the town down to the training fields. I looked around. This is where it all start. I saw the different flash backs of naruto and them. It made me smile but frown. It had sasuke too.

"Just like back then." Naruto said. We nodded. "Team 7" I said. "Back then we had Sasauke didn't we."

Kakashi said with a sigh. He looked at us, and sweat dropped.

Naruto was on the floor on all fours. He was mumbling something. Sakura was bent down drawing in the dirt. I had my arms crossed. I was Glaring at the sky. I hated sasuke for leaving us. I shook my head as I knew we will see each other again, but as enemy's.

Kakashi sighed. We all looked at him. "so, let's begain shall we?" he asked as he closed his book.

"so, not gonna read this time, huh Kakashi-sensei?" naruto asked as he tighten his headband. Sakura was pulling her gloves on her hands. "or have you finished it already?" I smiled as I toke my sword out of its shelth.

Kakashi pulled his headband up from his shanigan eye. I smirked as naruto threw shirikins at Kakashi. Kakashi threw some back. Naruto dodged them and used shadow clones to pull himself out of the way. Then the other clone transformed into a giant shirkin. I smiled as naruto really has gotten stronger.

Naruto was going to throw it back Kakashi was behind him. But naruto was behind Kakashi this time. I smirked and giggled as I remembered how naruto attacked Kakashi and he toke narutos hand behind his back.

"still the impatient one." naruto chuckled as Kakashi proofed away. "go!" it was a echo of his voice. Sakura looked above, left right and behind. She raised her fist and hit the ground. "below!" she yelled as the ground crumbled and showed Kakashi. Both Kakashi and narutos eyes were like, 'shit, she's strong.' I laughed as Kakashi jumped onto the pile of rebel.

He looked at me. "well last is you, candace." I smiled as I closed my eyes. In a flash I had ran at Kakashi and slashed my sword though him. Kakashi fell back and in his place was a log. I sinced where he was and ran again to the small river and slammed my sword into the ground.

"electric style- shock wave." I yelled. Electisty went though the water. Kakashi jumped out. His body was covered in small sparks. I saw him nod his head as I ran at him again, but not with my sword. Me and Kakashi used hand to hand combat. "you have gotten stronger candace. Where have you been getting stronger?" he asked as he went to attack my hean. I ducked and and maimed for his chest. "I. Will. Tell. You. After. We. Get. The. Bells" I said as everyword was an attack. I saw the bells and went to grab one.

He knew I was going for them and let me. I smiled as I proofed off.

I landed next to naruto and Sakura. They were looking at me with wide eyes. "damn, candace! Where did you get so powerful?" naruto asked me as I giggled. "I would have to tell you that later." I said as I held my bell up. "I've got mine, now it's your turn. Remember, the book." I said as I walked off.

Naruto looked at me like I was crazy.

I started to walk off to lady tsunades office. I had to tell her all about the akatsuki.

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