Ch 22 Killing them.

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I just got back from the mission where I had to kill my father. I sighed as I looked at the sky. 'Whats today? Wendsay?' I thought as I saw dark clouds coming in. Then it hit me. Today is the day Shika and his team go out to kill Hidan and Kakazu for killing Asuma.

But since I saved him, they wont move out unless. I ran to the Hokage's office. I walked in to see her desk piled up with paper. "Um, My lady?" I asked. Tsunade looked over the pile of paper.

"Ah, Candace. What is it. I'm very busy." She said with a sigh. "I can tell." I said as I sat down in a chair. I toke another deep breath. "I had told you abou the akatsuki that were to kill Asuma." She nodded as she knew where this was going, well kinda. "I know where they will be tomorrow. I just need a team."

Tsunade nodded. "Sure, who." I smirked. "Team 7 and 10."

At the gate. I stood there waiting for my team and Shikamaru's. I knew Naruto was with Yamato still and Asuma was with Tsunade. I heard running and turned around to see them. I smiled. "Candace, Lady Tsunade you had a mission for all of us." I nodded at Sakura. "Yes, it is time to kill Hidan and Kakazu of the akatsuki." I told them.

It toke us maybe half a day to get to the dead trees. We hide and waited. As we did, I gave a small vile to Kakashi. "Get Kakazu's blood in this. This is step one to killing him.  Shika." I handed him a liter. I then handed a pair of tools to Shikamaru. "These are just like "What I learned from the world I came from, you are to bury Hidan alife." I told him. He nodded as I heard the grass move.

I watched Kakazu and Hidan pass me. I signled Shika with his shadow jutsu. As it went to take its hit, they moved. "Go!" I yelled as I threw the paper bombs at them. Hidan blocked it with his scyth, and Kakazu grabbed it. I smirked asn Shika and I moved upward.

"Hidan look up." Kakazu yelled and Hidan looked up just as we threw the kunais. They were fakes. Also they where to be Asuma's weapon. The kunais hit the ground and froze both akatsuki memebers. I smirked.

I stood up as we jumped down. "those were fakes. Shikamaru was aiming at your shadows." I said with a smirk as they tried to move. I then remebered Kakazu's hand. "Shika wait." But Shika already started to move Hidan to attack and making them both free. Kakazu's hand had the kunai and made himself free. But not Hidan. Shika still had a control over his body.

I was ready to give Choji the sign to attack. Shika made Kakazu back up into a tree. "Now!" I yelled. Choji did some hand signs. "Human bullet Needles" He charged at them as a big ball of needles, mostly his hair that was really sharp.

I looked to where Kakashi is. I smirked as he used his Shanginan eye to copy Kakazu's jutsus. Kakazu bashed the ground in, making Chojis attack fail.

Kakazu told them what happens to his body. He smirked as he was going to attack, but all we heard were birds chirping. I smirked as Kakashi had used the chidroi on Kakazu. I nodded as he stuck the needle in his and toke some of his blood. He threw it to me and I pocket it.

Kakashi toke his hand out of kakazu's back. It felt like I was forgeting something. My heart was beating fast. Heart? Hearts!!

"Kakashi he's not dead yet." I yelled as Kakazu jumped back up and kicked Kakashi in the stomach for going after Hidan.  Kakashi skidded back from the kick.

I jumped after Kakashi and helped him up. "Sorry, Kakashi-sensei. I forgot to tell you. Kakazu has more then one heart. 4 really."  I said as Kakazu toke his akatsuki cloak off. Four things on his back. "Those are his hearts. And his Chakra." I said as I got my sword out.

The four hearts started to come out his back. One was earth, fire, wind and lighten. The one Kakashi hit had a broken face and started to die. I saw Hidan moving. Looking at the ground, Shikamaru's shadow started to move back to him. 'He ran out od Chakra.' I thought.

"Kakashi, get ready." I said as I toke my sword out. We had to kill them. If not, I have not idea what was going to happen.

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