Ch 11 A new team mate

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Ok, I know how some people say my chapters are too short, well I'm going to see If I can write more.

I got dressed in a short dress with tights under it with my ninja tools. I strapped my sword on my back. After I learned I was the long lost princess of the Miller clan and the last one, things are going to be different, but I dont care.

I walked up the hokages office agan. Sakura had some news about orochimaru and sasuke. I put a hand on the curse mark he left me. 

It didnt hurt but I knew it would when I see him. My hands tightened in anger. I bet he killed my mother like he did my grandfather and grandmother in the other world.

As I walked I knew who we would see today. I chuckled as I felt someone run by me. I looked to see Naruto. 'So, I missed the small meeting. Oh well.' I thought as I went to find my friends.

First place went was Ino's flower shop. I opened the door to see Ino and her mom. "Hello, Can I hep you with anything?" Ino asked.

I giggled.  "Ino its me, candace" i said. Her eyes went wide. "Candace?" She hugged me.

"When did you get back" "about a few weeks ago"  I said "You went with naruto and them to save gaara huh?" I nodded with a smile on my face. "Yep, Ino. Have you ever heard of the miller clan?" I asked her. She shook her head, then her mom came over.

"I have. The miller clan was a rich clan with a lord and lady, some people called them king and queen. They were the holders of the Riogan eye, an eye that was able to stop time and space. The clan was nearly killed out during the nine tailed fox fight. The young lady Charlotte had a young girl during the battle." My eyes widened, 'Like naruto.'

"Lady charlotte wrote a letter to her child as she opened a portal in time and space and told her father to take the child. As her father toke the child, a ninja with a mask of an orange mask."

Ino's mom told me. "Wow, Thank you.' She tilted her head. "Why thank me, dear." "Well, I'm her daughter, candace. Charlottes daughter." Her eyes widened. "Really. Well we are glad to have the lost princess back.' I thanked thenm and asked ino if she could be in our group, but she and her team had a mission.

 As I walked around think of more people to ask, but I knew we would have Sai and Yamato sensei. 

I was thinking of what Ino's mom told me. 'Orange mask. Only can be madara. and the riogan?' I thought as I would have to read those scrolls that Tsunade gave me, maybe they have more info on me.

I walked to the meeting place to see Sakura and Yamato sensei. "You must be Candace." I nodded with a smile. "Yes, nice to meet you, Yamato sensei."

We wait for a few mins till Sai showed up. "Sakura Candace this is Sai."He put his hand up with a fake smile. "Hello, I am sai." Sakura smiled as I frowned. We then heard running. "Hey Candace Sakura did you!? what is he doing here." Naruto said as he stoped next to me.

Yamato looked at all of us. "This is Sai. I'm yamato. I'll be replacing Kakashi for now." We nodded. "Nice to meet all of you, naruto with no balls, and the pink bitch."  I put  my hand over my mouth from laughing.

I knew he was going to say that. I held Sakura back as Yamato held Naruto. "And girl with red hair." He faked a smile at me. "You too, Sai." We are so going to have a talk.

We stood infront of Yamato. "From Here on We will work as a team when we meet at the rondyveiw point." "YES!"

'Orochimaru. You better watch out, this time i'll kill you.' I thought.

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