Ch 3. The akatsuki and meeting old friends.

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I walked up to tsunades office. I sighed as I opened the door. And it wasn't just tsunade in the room. Donzo was also. In the room.

"candace." tsunade said with a smile. I smiled back. She put a hand toward Danzo. "this is Danzo." I nodded as I tried not to glare at him.

"yes, i know him back in my world. I'm sure you told him." tsunade nodded. "please sit, candace." Danzo said as he jestered the set infrotn of him.

I sat down across from him. "now, tsunade told me from this morning, you have some information about the akatsuki." I nodded. "yes, sir. I know from my world there are about 11-12 members. We all knew about orochimaru being one, then he left. There is itachi that we know of too. After he killed his clan leaving sasuke, he went to the akatsuki for more power. But that is the information you all know about itachi, but I know more." I said as I crossed my arms.

I could see the shock and anger in Danzos eyes. He knew what I knew about itachi how he saved sasuke but the others think different.

"and the others?" tsunade asked me. "there's kisame from the mist, deidara from the stone, sasori from the sand, hidan from the waterfall, zestsu unknown, kakuzu unknown, konan unknown, pein unknown. Tobi unknown, and there are some I can't remember right know." Danzo and tsunade nodded.

"and do you know their first attack is?" tsunade asked me. I looked down. "Suna, they will be after gaara." Danzo nodded. "then you will go." I looked up at him. "but sir," "no buts. I can see that you are a strong ninja. You will leave in three day." I looked at tsunade as she nodded agreeing with him. "yes sir. Thank you." I got up and bowed as I left.

Danzo looked at the door. "what are you thinking of Danzo?" he looked at tsunade. "candace, by just looking at her. She can be used as a great thing for the village." Tsunade stood up as she slammed her hands on the desk, almost breaking it. "she is strong, but we are not going to use her. " "and why not." tsunade smirked. "because she won't let anyone control her." Danzo glared at her as he walked to the door.

I had staid at the door listening to them. As I heard Danzo get up I ran to a door that lead outside. I jumped down.

I sighed as I thought of what Danzo said. 'use me? Ha! If he thinks of using me, then I would have changed sides.' I thought as I didn't watch where I was going. I bumped into someone. "hey watch where!? Candace?" I looked up to see shikamaru and temari. "shika! Temari!" I said as I jumped up. Shika and I hugged. I looked at temari. She was looking down. I know how much she liked him. I hugged her. "I don't like him like that, I love gaara." she smiled as she hugged me back.

"how was your training?" shika asked me. "it was good. Got strong." temari smiled. "girl you have been strong.." temari said as I laughed. "well, I got to go. I have a mission and got to get ready." they nodded and waved me off.

I ran to my home that is really dusty. I coughed as I walked in. I opened a window as all the dust went out. I saw it was getting dark. I cleaned my home up to where every thing shined. Then ther was a knock at the door. I opened to see hinata. I remembered that my house was close to the the hyuga households.

"candace?" I opened the door all the way. "hey hinata." she smiled as I let her in. "I wasn't sure if it was you are someone was breaking into your home." I laughed. "no, I just got back yesterday. And I'm really happy to see you. You toke my idea of getting your hair longer. ,

She blushed and nodded. "when I get back, we are going to have a girls night all of use, you, me, ino, Sakura, TenTen,and temari if she's still in the village." hinata smiled. "that would be so nice. Well, I have to go before my father and neji get worried." I nodded as I hugged her and waved her off.

I fell on my bed and went into a dead sleep.

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