Portkey Escapee

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Draco stopped for only a matter of seconds before he began walking again. He pulled his wand from out of his coat and forcefully pointed it towards his Aunt. Bellatrix stopped her cackling from seconds before and looked at Draco with terror. "If there is anyone who should deal with her-" Draco said, nodding his head toward Venice, "-it should be me!" He whispered harshly to Bellatrix. "Fine, dear Draco. Take the filth off my hands!" She responded coolly with a smirk. Bellatrix let go of Venice and backed away. Draco put his hands where Bellatrix's had just been and guided Venice out of the hall harshly.

In silence, Draco led her up the stairs and to where her room at once been, but did not go in. Out of hearing range from the others, Draco pushed her against the wall. Shocked at the force, Venice slid down the wall and ended up in a crouch. Draco leant down on one knee, and lifted his hand to touch her cheek. "We need to get you out of here," he whispered. Venice looked up at him. "I thought you were going to kill me," she whispered back. Draco smiled and leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "We don't have much time. I have a spare port key in my room that you can use. It will send you to Hogwarts. Tell them the ministry cleared you, and they'll let you in. The Dark Lord is rising, and to stay with him is the only way I'll survive at this point. I know you're on Potter's side, and that's ok. Stick with him and you should be ok," Draco explained. Venice nodded as a tear slid down her cheek. A scramble of sounds came from the Dining Hall. Draco stood up abruptly and lifted Venice up to her feet. "Go to my room, you'll find it there!" Draco explained, walking down the hall. As he backed away hurriedly, he mouthed "I love you," and ran downstairs. "Draco! Is this Potter? TELL US IF THIS IS HARRY POTTER!" Venice heard Bellatrix shout. "Where did the Mudblood go? Draco?" A deep voice said. Venice ran into Draco's room as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
It's a trick, Venice thought. How could Venice know what object the port key was? Worried, Venice started putting her hands on whatever she could find. Watch? No. Hand Mirror? No. Boot? No. Cauldron? No.
Suddenly, Venice's eyes trailed off to a piece of paper on Draco's dresser. It said the word, "Slytherin", and had jagged edges, as if it were ripped from a book. The door of Draco's room shook. "It-will-not-OPEN!" Bellatrix screamed. "Alohamora," she said. The door did not budge. "That will not work! Let me try!" Another woman's voice spoke. "Alohamora!" She said, and the door flung open. "Ha ha! We have you now, Mudblood! Cissy, take her down!" Bellatrix said with a smug expression on her face. Venice couldn't run away now, so she put her hands behind her and blindly felt on the dresser, in hopes that the port key was miraculously on the dresser. Narcissa Malfoy lifted her wand, and screamed "Crucio!" But halfway through her incantation, Venice felt a wavy figure between her fingers. Within seconds, Venice was transported somewhere else.

With a searing pain, Venice landed on a cold stone floor. She got up and looked around; she was in front of the headmaster's office. In her fingers was a small, green, figurine snake. She stuffed it in her pocket and walked up the stairs to what once was Dumbledore's office. "Come in," said a deep voice from inside the room. Venice opened the door to see no other than the pale faced, greasy haired Severus Snape. "It has come to my attention that your name has been cleared by the ministry, despite your accusations in the media about Harry Potter. Is this true?" He asked, examining Venice with a clear look of disgust. "Yes, uh, yes sir," Venice stumbled. "Very well. There are robes for you and a time table in your dorm. Off you go," Snape said, dismissing her.

The Story of Venice EvansWhere stories live. Discover now