Chapter 1 : Secret note

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I took a taxi to go to the hotel where Alexander told me to be at. Alexander was my boyfriend, we had been together since one year now and I was really excited to meet him right now. Alexander -well, his family- owned the hotel, he was very rich and he liked to take me to incredible, romantic places. So, when he told me that we were spending the night in his hotel I though it was very exciting

Then, I walked into "The Great Palace Hotel" and asked for a room. Obviously, he had organized everything and had already chosen the best room for us.

"Number 121, have a great night" The receptionist told me this with a little wink.

Once I was in front of my room I took the key and opened the door.

Wow. The room was absolutly stunning and gorgeous with a huge bed. There were red curtains, a nice view, a lovely kitchen and all... At least it was a perfect place for a perfect rendez-vous. But now, I was waiting for Alexander to join me. I quickly decided to call him because I don't like to wait - yeah I'm not very patient. I dialed his number.

"Uhh... Hello Loreleï !"

"Hi sweetheart, are you about to come ? Because I'm waiting for you right now. By the way, the room is perfect but it doesn't surprise me, you always had good tastes."

"Oh,well, I'm glad you like the room. But...okay...Loreleï I think I won't come."

At first I thought I hadn't heard him well.

"What do you mean you won't come ? Alex are you okay ?"

"It was a bad idea, sorry. I think I should have told you some things before, some things that really matters. Well, I think they don't anymore..."

"What are you talking about ?!"

"You know,with this date I thought I could fix my mind and try to overcome some thoughts I started to have few weeks ago. But, I have to be honest with you. I really wanted to join you and spend the night with you and all the staff but I just can't anymore. I think I love someone else and I really tried to tell you but I guess I was too afraid. See, you don't deserve someone like me and that's why I've decided to let you go."

I dont' know how I managed myself to speak after that, I just said :

"Well, you're not letting me go, you are running away from me more precisely. That's completly diff-"

"It's over Loreleï, we're done."

At that moment I let the phone falling on the ground. I was completly shocked, I didn't even try to have any other explanations because my mind just exploded and my heart...well... It was like a hole had replaced it. I was slapped by the pain.

I loved him, I really, really loved him. I wondered when things started to fall into pieces with him because I didn't see it coming. I just can't seem to understand but I guess I was wrong. Did I miss signs ? Clues ? What was wrong with me ?

I decided to go out or at least I went out from the room to stay in the hallway because I didn't want to stay here anymore. I thought everything was going to be alright. That's how a paradise becomes a war zone I guess.

I was just crying on the floor, my back against the door, I tried not to make too much drama. I didn't want anybody to see me like that, I was so ashamed, sad, depressed. To sum up I was a mess right now. But I was crying so loud I didn't hear anything, at least, I didn't hear the man who was coming.

After all, I didn't care about people who could see me like that. I mean, everybody have bad moments that they don't want to remember. That was definitely something I didn't want to remember. I just wanted to be alone and the fact that someone was coming my way made me feel nervous and angry. Let me be blue.

However at that moment I don't know why, I just looked at the man. The first thing I saw was his beautiful leather shoes, very expensive I could see. This man knew how to dress I can tell you that so I decided to look at his face and when I looked up... It was him.

In the Universe's mysteries now there is this one : What was the chance Zayn Malik had a room right in front of mine, on the same day ? On the same couple of hours ? On the same life ?!


I couldn't pronounce any word, I just looked at him : his brown eyes with his long lashes, his hair, his beard and his lips. Yes, that was Zayn Malik for sure. I guess I forgot how to breathe, how to think, how to be. He glanced at me, opened the door to walk into his room and that was all. Of course he didn't care about me, why would he stay ? I must be so ugly right now with my face full of tears and my red eyes, I think he had pity for me. I just thought, God wasn't on my side right now. I had the chance to meet Zayn but I ruined everything, good job Lore ! What was going on with my life ?

I finally decided after a few minutes to go into my room to have a drink and some fresh air. I mean, when you see such an handsome man you definitely need some fresh air or even a cold shower. I was standing on the balcony, when I saw the view, I told myself that I could jump and everything could stop. The pain in my heart could disappear. But the pain is only the first step, then comes hatred.

And with what happened I totally forgot about my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend. That's how I managed to reach my phone to have at least explanations about what happened between me and Alexander. Even If I only thought about Zayn who was maybe in his room sleeping or thinking about the poor girl he saw on the floor minutes ago.

I was so stupid, I mean, a man like that could have every girl he wanted and I was not an exception. I had to stay focus on Alexander because maybe I was dreaming and maybe none of this happened it was only hallucinations or madness who knows ?

Well... If it was a dream or pure madness, everything had just started right now, because only then I just saw a note slipped under the door. It said :

"You okay ?"


Okay guys this is my first fan fic and I'm french so.. 🙈🙈
Hope you will enjoy it, vote and leave a comment to let me know.
If you like the story I will update soon!

Zoreleï yay❤️

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