Chapter 26 : Euphoria

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Loreleï's POV

Pick up your phone, pick up your phone. Ah, finally.

"Hello ?" Alice answered.

"Hi babe, it's Lore, how ya doing ?" I smiled as soon as I heard her voice on the phone. I've missed her.

"Oh babe ! I'm so happy to hear you. I'm doing great, what about you ?"

"I'm fine. Actually I called you about your party."

"Yeah, tonight !"

"Yeah, right. I wanted to ask you if I could bring someone with me to your place. You can say no, it's your house I don't want to-

"Who ???"

"Well, his name is Logan. He's a friend of mine."

"Logan ? You never talked to me about him."

"Yeah, actually I've just met him. He's really nice and sweet."

"Is he hot ?" First I didn't understand why she asked me that, I felt a bit jealous somewhere. Why does she has to know if he's hot or not ?

"Uh..." I paused, a bit embarrassed "Yeah he is."

"Good, then he is welcomed. Haha just joking, if you appreciate him then come with him, it will be nice." I could hear in her voice she was supposing something was going on between Logan and I.

"Great, thanks babe." I was about to hang up when Alice said :

"Wait, he's more than a friend right ? What about your boyfriend Zac ?"

Well, he has already a private seat in Hell but he's fine.

"We'll talk about this tonight okay ? I have to go."

"Okay sweetie. See you tonight then !"

"Bye, Alice."

I hung up and searched for "Logan" in my phone, I hope he will say ok for tonight even if I'm pretty sure he will. Actually, I've missed him too, I really hope that I'll see him tonight.

I kind of feel guilty about what happened last time, maybe I should just let myself go instead of thinking about what could happen all the time.

But, the last time I let things happen, I fell in love with Zayn and ended hurt. I don't want this to happen again, not with Logan at least. But again, I'm overthinking.

Logan 😘💘 > send a text

Hi, how are you ? I just wanted to know if you would join me to Alice's party tonight. She already said yes, I hope you'll say it too. Xx

Logan answered the minute after.

Logan 😘💘 : Tonight ? Yeah sure. Can't wait to see you, when do you want me to pick you up ? 🤗

Me : Great 😃. 9 p.m , sounds good to you ?

Logan 😘💘 : Sounds perfect. I'll be there, see you tonight sweetie ? 😏

Me : See you later yeah 🙈

I put the phone on the bed and laid there for a few minutes, generously smiling. He said yes, I guess he's not mad at me about what happened. For the first time in a long time everything seemed simple and it felt good.

No quarrel, no resentment, no fight.

I decided to get dressed immediately as I didn't know what I would wear, I can spend hours choosing my outfit when I'm going out, definitely.

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