Chapter 16 : Bad Blood

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Zayn's POV

While Lore was having a shower I took advantage of the situation and picked up her phone. I switched it on and searched in her phone directory the number of this dick, fortunately for me no password was needed. There it was : Alexander. I clicked on his name and selected "send a text", I'll be short and distant.

I told him to meet me tonight at the park we've been Lore and I because even if we get caught it was a nice dark place at least. I knew I could hide from him and take him by surprise, and Lore wouldn't know all of this, I'll told her I had to leave. Alexander answered me quite fast and asked me to join him in half an hour, I said yes but then when he replied he told me -well Lore- :

"Cant wait to see you, boo. ;)"

My dear Alex, I'm sure you can't wait to see me and guess what, so do I. I'm gonna give this ass a lesson he wouldn't forget. I can't stand the fact that this dick hurt her and put this bruise on her arm, as if she could defend herself. I've always hate men who use their strength to get what they want with women, especially when it comes to relationship and sex.

I've slept with girls but I always respected them and never use any kind of violence to get what I wanted, to be honest I always get what I want. And it won't be an exception, I'll kick his ass until he understands that treating women like that is not right, especially Lore. Wanna play with the big boys Alex uh ? You'll see.

Then I quickly put the phone on her bed and grabbed my jacket silently as Lore was still in the shower and closed the door slowly, I hate to leave like this but I have to. As it begins to get dark I put my hood on my head and start to run faster, impatient to meet Alex.

Several minutes later I am finally at the park but nobody's there, perfect. I'll have time to hide in a shrub or behind a tree to jump over him and beat him. I checked out my watch, he must be already here. I was looking everywhere when suddenly I saw a man walking in the park.

The man was quite tall but not taller than me, I could see his hair was blond thanks to the street light, wearing a grey sweat-shirt. Then he just sat on a bench, swinging his legs and checking out his phone. He seemed to be confident and self-centred, he took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket to smoke one, breathing in and out slowly.

I started to walk carefully toward him, adrenaline in my veins now, breathing heavily and my fists closed in my jacket.

I patted his shoulder expecting him to turn around. Then the man faced me with big blue eyes and perfect white teeth, frowning as he doesn't know me, not yet. He was looking at me from head to toe.

"Alex, right ?"

"Yeah, and you a-

I didn't let him finish his sentance as I took him by the collar, closing my fist with my rings on and punched him in the face. Alex felt down on the floor and I climbed onto him, punching him again and again. I didn't think that the effect of surprise would work so well. Then I stopped looking at my hand, covered with blood, his blood.

While I was beating him I could hear his nose's bones breaking, I wasn't faking. I was above him, dominating while he was begging me to stop.

"Wanna play the tough guy, don't you Alex ?" He tried to answer me something intelligible as the blood was running into his mouth, which made him suffocate, his teeth covered with red.

"Who the fuck are y-" I pressed his face with my hand, and forced him to look at me.

"I'm the one who's asking questions right now. So, you thought you could treat her like that without consequences ? That's not how it works dumbass."

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