Chapter 21 : Won't you stay till the AM (part 2)

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I've got my hood on with my hands in my pockets, looking down my feets as I was walking in the streets.

I looked one more time at Zayn's flat, I could see the light from his bedroom through the window but I promised I would never go back. I just turned my head, took a deep breath and started to walk even if I had no idea where I was going.

It was late in the night now, most of people were sleeping in their houses but L.A is such a big town, there are always people in the streets anyway like in London.

I shuddered as I was cold with only my jacket on, the smoke going out from my mouth while I was breathing. I was just walking as fast as possible searching for somewhere to lay down or maybe to sleep. But I already know I won't sleep at all tonight.

I need to go back to London, but how ? I hate to say it but this dick was right I don't know anyone but him in this city and I have no money right now.

It is late and I'm all alone, there's nothing I can do but I'll find a solution, I have to.

As I was still walking on the sidewalk I could see shops and fast food that were still opened. The smell of food made my stomach gurgled, I didn't eat much last time, too preoccupied about what was going on with Zayn.

Zayn. Okay I really need to erase this name from my mind.

The lights of the streets helped me to get my bearings but each street looked the same to me. And the people looked the same too, some of them were looking at me, oddly. Like, they were scanning me, my shoes, my jeans, my jacket and my face. I felt observed.

I could feel their eyes on me even if I wasn't looking at them. I was a bit scared because I felt I wasn't secure.

So, I decided to take my headphones and listen to some music not to feel completly alone, I took my phone out from my pocket, when I switched it on I saw my battery was really low.

"Damn !" I murmured.

I decided not to listen to music to save it as I didn't know when I would be able to load it again. And in case of any trouble I would maybe need my phone. I was about to put it back into my pocket when suddenly a man grabbed my arm and dragged me away in a small street.

There were no lights here and I felt like it was even colder than anywhere else. The man was firmly gripping me and put a hand on my mouth asking me not to scream.

"Just give me your phone and I'll let you go."  He was behind me, holding my arm with his hand preventing from moving whereas the other prevented from speaking. I could smell his disgusting body odor and alcohol whenever he speaks. And his fingers were really dirty. He might be a homeless man just searching for something to steal and resell.

I was struggling but in vain, the man was stronger than me and I was kind of paralyzed as I didn't understand properly what was happening. I started to cry, completly desperate and helpless.

All I could see was the light of the street lamp, I started to feel dizzy, things around me started to fade more and more. I was about to pass out.

"Just give me the damn phone !!!" The man shouted in my ear, still holding me from behind, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and the smell of his cheap cologne on his neck.

"O-okay." I nodded, praying he would let me go if I give him my phone. He untightened his grip and removed his hand from my mouth.

"Don't scream, understand ?"

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