Chapter 23 : She likes the lights

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Zayn's POV

"There's one last thing I need to ask you, actually."

"And what is it, Z ?"

"The night Lore and I had... an argument. She left and never came back, I called you to make sure-

"Don't worry about that Zayn, I did exactly what you told me. Trust me, she's safe now."

"Good. Cause you and I perfectly know how dangerous it could be to hang out in L.A at night, don't we ?"

"Yeah," Joe cleared his throat "Sure we know."

I could hear Joe's embarassment through the phone. I knew he was in L.A's streets that night because he was searching for drugs or something to get smashed.

And I wasn't happy about that and he knew it. I'm smocking cigarettes too but I've never wanted to approach this business, directly or indirectly.

Joe and I had a big quarrel about that not too long ago. I told him to stop taking this shit before he'd be addicted. Moreover, I don't want to work with people who are used to this. Joe listened to me and stopped the drugs shit when I told him he'd be fired.

Well, that's what I thought...

I'll talk to him later about this and after all I'm not his mom, so right now I just don't care. I decided to just end up the call when suddenly I felt someone's arms around me.

"Morning handsome."

Gigi was hugging me from behind, her arms around my waist. She put her head on my back and left a kiss on it. When I turned back she was still hugging me, smiling at me like a little kid. I have to admit she was kinda cute actually.

"Isn't this my-

"Yep, this is your shirt. I borrowed it, you don't mind ? I've always wanted to do that, like in movies you know."

"Kind of cliché. But, yeah, you can keep it I don't really mind."

Then Gigi reached for my hands but suddenly I grimaced in pain, even if she barely touched it. She looked at my hand, surprised and confused. When she saw the bandage, she put her hands around her mouth, quite shocked.

"What happened to your hand Zayn ?!"

"Nothing to worry about. I hurted myself last week and it still hurts a bit."

"Oh okay... but how did you do that ?"

"I just broke a glass between my hand so it cut me. Nothing more." Gigi was looking at me suspeciously, maybe she was wondering why I didn't told her about this sooner.

I'm not really a clumsy person and Gigi knows sometimes I can be out of control when something touch me. I don't know if she believed me, but I don't want to talk about what happened with her. She has nothing to do with that and she's not my girl. So, I don't have to be that close to her after all ?

"Okay then," Gigi bit her lips and looked at me, a little bit blushing "about last night I-

"Yeah. Listen, I don't know why I did this. That was stupid, just forget it ok ?"

Alright, I know I'm not credible.

"Stupid ? I don't think it was. I'm sure you liked it." Gigi smirked, quite triomphant and full of assurance.

"Everybody loves sex, that isn't new."

Totally not credible.

"And how do you explain the fact that you-

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