Chapter 31 : The boy is mine

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Zayn and I had left my flat, we were now in Los Angeles. A car was driving us to his house. I looked at Zayn, and at that moment I knew. I knew I would have followed him wherever he goes, since the beginning. Since day 1, in that hotel room. My heart was overwhelmed by so much feelings, so much love for him.

You know this feeling when you look at the person you love and you feel this person represents everything. Your whole body is overwhelmed by the fact that you're attracted to this person. When you realize you can't live without this.

Because now I knew how painful it could be losing him, and I knew I won't be able to live without him. He was a part of me now, my soulmate, the man I love the most. So much things happened between us but we always get back to each other, like magnets.

As I was sitting right next to him in the back seat of the car, I put my hand on his. Zayn was looking through the window but then he turned his face to look at me. With a sweet and warm smile he squeezed my hand tight and bit his lips.

Seems like he couldn't believe we were finally reunited too.

That smile on his face was the most precious thing, the same thing I wanted to stare at for the rest of my life. I would never get bored of it, I would never get used to his features. Or even his hands on my body, I felt like I could explode because I loved him so much, his touch.

As I was still looking at him, Zayn leaned for a kiss, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on mine. We were smiling at each other, like two teenagers who got their first kiss. And maybe this comparison isn't that innocent, because for me it was the beginning of something else between us. Something real, which would never tear us apart again.

Suddenly, Zayn put a hand on his pocket and looked at the screen as someone was calling him.

"It's Joe."

Zayn picked up the phone and talked to him for several minutes while I was still staring at him. Once he was done he told me :

"Joe knows I'm in L.A right now, so he wants to meet me about the contract I've told you. Look, I won't be long, you should wait for me at my place and I'll join you asap. Sounds great babe ?"

"Alright, no problem. I'll be there when you'll be back home." Zayn smiled and kissed me.

Then he asked the driver to make a detour, when the car stopped he took my face between his hands and kissed me with more passion this time. His warm hands on my face felt so good, his skin was so soft and pleasant. He pulled back and took his phone with him, as he was about to open the door and go he suddenly turned around.

"God, I almost forgot. I think you'll need these." Zayn gave me his keys, I took them and looked at him one more time. He closed the door and left.

Several minutes later, the car stopped again as I had finally reached his home. I thanked the driver and rushed to his flat as I was a bit cold. Once I arrived in front of his door I took the keys out of my pocket and put them into the lock. But at that moment, I noticed that the door was already opened. I frowned and pushed the door carefully, maybe someone had burgled the house.

But then I remembered, when I left Zayn months ago in order to take my plane and go back home he knew I had left. Zayn must have a camera hidden somewhere or guards, the person who got into his house will be caught anyway. I was standing there for a few seconds, unable to know what to do. But, I took my courage between both hands and decided to walk in.

I fully opened the door this time, quite nervous. Suddenly I felt relieved as nothing had changed, nothing was broken or stolen. Everything was clean and normal. I checked every room and nobody was there, I couldn't hear nothing either.

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