Chapter 8 : Back down to Earth

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Thanks God I had no message from my mum or my dad so they won't know about my little escape -well, from London to NYC it is quite long actually. I had left Alice for a day since I had escaped with Zayn, she should be mad at me right now, I have to call her right away. But I had to find an alibi, after all I couldn't tell her I left with him, I'll say I was with a friend and hope she won't try to have more details 'bout him.

A friend seriously ? I thought. Well, Alice was my friend and I would never do that to her. Maybe I should admit that I've met a guy and decided to spend a little time with him? Uh... What sort of friend would do that ? But I had to sound believable and somewhere I wasn't really lying. I had really met Zayn and decided to spend time with him.

To be honest I was so nervous about it, it is like when you're a kid and then you get caught for what you've done. I was sweating, I could feel it on my neck, the beads of sweating were running down my back, my palms were sweaty as I was trying to calm myself down. I hardly breathe and my knees were shaking, I decided to sit down on the sidewalk.

When I was finally breathing well, I dialed her number and tried to call her. I prayed I would have to left a message on a voicemail not to hear her shouting at me. Unfortunately for me she immediately pickep up the phone.


"Alice, calm down, I'm alive everything's okay no need to worr-"

"DON'T tell me not to worry okay ? I thought you were dead. Where the fuck did you go ? I was about to call the police you hear me ? You just left me here alone. You better tell me what you were doing or I swear you'll be dead for real this time. You left me on this parking lot, I didn't know what to do !"

"I know I shouldn't have done that, I'm completly aware I screwed up. But please Alice let me explain why, I have a good reason."

"A good reason uh ? What ? You were meeting Obama ?"

"Remember when you mentionned my dress ? Actually you were right I got all dressed up to meet someone. When we were about to leave he texted me and asked me to join him."

"And what ? That's all you got to justify what you did ?"

"Alice, please..."

"How would you want me to react right now ? YOU LEFT FOR HOURS. I'm really mad at you and now you're telling me you left because of a guy ? You better be joking."

"I'm not, listen, while I was with him I completly forgot you were waiting for me. I should have texted you to tell you I was staying with him, you're right. Alice, I'm 20, I'm a grown woman you don't need to worry, I am fine. I'm sorry, okay ?"

"Oh, I see you forgot about me ? What kind of friend are you to do that ?"


"A bad one... Listen, I just wanted to be with him, he makes me think about something else. He is very nice to me, it is like I've known him for years. I'm happy with him, don't blame me for that. I understand you're mad at me but-"

"Listen to me Lore. I don't want to talk to you right now, you really pissed me off. I'll try to call you later, right ? You really disappointed me."

"Okay I'll be there tomorrow, see you at the University. Again, I'm sorry, Alice please forgiv-"

She hang up the phone. I really messed up this time, like really. She will be mad at me for days, or years or forever I guess. I really wanted to share with her what was happening to me but I couldn't, it was really frustrating. I've known her for years, I've always told her everything about my life and now she thinks she can't trust me. Maybe if she knew that the guy I met was Zayn... maybe she would have understand, I don't blame her though.

I'll fix it when I'll be back to London but right now I had to pack my things and leave him.

When I opened his door nobody was there, I guess he was still asleep. I went upstairs slowly, trying not to make any sound, when I opened the door of his bedroom he was there. He was sleeping on his bed, like an angel. I could have stared at him for yours just like that. He was so pure, sweet and beautiful. The sheets were not completly covering his body so that I could see his tattoos on his chest, he was snoring a little bit.

He was completly asleep, he won't hear me leave and that's fine. He needs to rest after what happened and I won't bother him with my problems. I was just a twenty-year-old girl, he doesn't need to hear my problems because his were bigger than mine. I'll go back home and it was like nothing happened, my parents wouldn't know about it. But after all I said to him, and after all he confessed to me... Like he said I'm not like the others and he needs someone like me in his life. But I had to be honest, he was Zayn Malik and I was just Loreleï, maybe it will last a bit but not for too long and I know I was already falling for him.

I couldn't help it, I was in love with him.

He was all I've been dreaming for but considering something serious between me and him will be impossible. I wasn't a part of his world even if right now I was with him, in his room.

Gosh I wish I'll see this angel again.

Anyway, I'll took a plane like common people and fly to London today. Fortunately, I had some money saved thanks to my former summer job, I'll took a taxi to reach the airport and everthing will be fine. Then I kissed him on his forehead and looked at him one last time, I wiped my eyes as I felt a tear, it really broke my heart leaving him here but I had to. Before I left I decided to take his perfume and spread it all over my jacket so I would be able to smell it, it would be like he was with me. I know it might sounds crazy but it did reassure me.

Then I closed the door and left his flat. I didn't wait too long for a taxi to pick me up.

"Airport please."

Once I arrived, I paid the driver and took my stuff with me. I started to run to reach the airport and check if there was a fly going to London soon, fortunately for me there was. The departure is in one hour.

Good, just in time.

I went to the reception and bought the tickets, they were less expensive than I thought.

"Your departure is in one hour, you must stay here in case it would leave sooner."

And I hope it will, I can't stay here no longer when I know who I'm leaving.


"All the travellers of the flight number 242-996-000 from New-York to London ,are expected for the departure, ladies and gentleman please move forward."

I had no suitcase to be scanned because I left with practically nothing, I had my tickets in my hand, I gave them to the security guard and passed. I was lining up, impatiently. Why is there so many people, hurry up, I need to leave. For one second a thought crossed my mind, I don't want him to think I abandonned him, I don't want to disappoint him either. If it was up to me I would have stayed longer of course. Hope he'll understand.

Finally, they opened the doors to let the passengers in, I was climbing the stairs to enter and find my seat when something held my wrist. I turned my head, speechless.

"You're not going anywhere."


You thought you could leave like this Lore? Naaah

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Next chapter soon, love love love🙈💘🙈💘

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