Chapter 28 : We don't talk anymore

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Loreleï's POV

I rubbed my eyes and frowned as I could hear Logan's voice, asking me to give him his clothes.

As I was pretty much drunk last night, Logan decided to stay with me for the night to check on me, apparently I was really wasted.

Ugh, not really romantic. I barely remember what happened. I just remember our kiss to be honest.

I stood up and took his clothes, my head hurted like a bitch and I had a weird feeling that something happened. Something between a dream and reality. But I don't know what.

Logan opened the bathroom door, he had a towel around his waist and his hair was wet. He took what was in my hand and said :

"You should have a shower too, it would be good for your headache." He sounded careful towards me, cute.

"Yeah, probably." I sighed, "I was pathetic last night, admit it."

"Well," he paused, "You just had fun it's no big deal I'm not judging you, don't worry about that."

"Thank you Logan..." I blushed a bit, "You know I remember some things though." I gave him a wink.

"And what do you remember, exactly ?" He smirked.


I came closer and kissed his wet lips, putting a hand on his chest. I could see a smile on his face when I stepped back.

"That's all you remember ?" He said after a few seconds.

"What do you mean ?!" I frowned. Did we...?

"I'm kidding Lore. You were too drunk to do such things."

"-K good." I felt relieved. Logan was about to close the door to get dressed when suddenly I asked him one more question, "Logan, did you walk into the room when I was asleep ? I swear I felt someone was there."

"You were probably dreaming, I was in the bathroom all this time."

"That's impossible," I frowned, "I clearly heard someone slamming the door."

"Lore, you really need to have a shower." He kissed my forehead and left me there.

I sat on my bed, wondering if what I felt was real or just something my mind had made up. But I swear I have heard that door, like someone was pissed and just closed it quite abruptly.

Little by little I was trying to remember things, but this headache wasn't helping me at all. I was searching for answer, but there was no solution. Logan was maybe right after all.

I went into the kitchen to eat something and to take medicine. When I walked in, some things were all over the floor, I decided to take them and put them into the bin, which was already full.

I took the keys to open the door in order to empty this bin down my flat. I was wearing pyjamas but who cares ? It would last only a few seconds.

But then, when I tried to open the door with the keys, I noticed that the door was already opened and even ajar.

What the f-

Actually I couldn't recall if I had closed the door, maybe Logan forgot to do it. I'll ask him later but that wasn't really reassuring. It was really suspicious.

I opened the door and went downstairs, I put the bin in the containers. I checked to see if anyone was looking at me as I felt a bit ashamed, I'm not used to get drunk and all the stuff. That's not me.

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