Chapter 3 : Confessions

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He invited me to join him in his room very politely. I've never seen someone that gorgeous so close to me. Of course I've seen so many pics of him before but when you see the person in real life it's not the same as you thought.

"You want to drink something maybe ?". Stop being such a gentleman with me Zayn please because I don't know if I could handle it !

"No, but thanks. By the way, are you waiting for someone to come around ? I mean I don't want to disturb you at all. "

"Nope, I'm alone tonight. And don't worry 'bout that you're not disturbing me, otherwise I wouldn't have told you that you could enter."

He had a point. But honestly ,I'm not sure about what we were going to talk about right now. I mean, my life must be so boring next to his.

"What's your name by the way ?"

"Loreleï, but you can call me Lore."

"Nice." He gave me a wink.

"Soooo, you really want me to tell you why I was crying ?"

"I do, I don't like seeing people that sad. You can tell me the truth even if I have an idea about what happened. I'm pretty sure you were crying because of a guy, am I right sweetie?"


"Well, you're very perceptive. As you said it is about a boy : my ex-boyfriend Alexander, he owns this hotel."

"Does he ? He must be very rich."

Rich but such a dick, but nothing compared to you of course.

"Yes, he is. He thought it would be romantic to organize a rendez-vous in his hotel and I was really excited about it. But..."

I started to cry a bit.

"Cry if you need to, that's okay don't be ashamed." Then he put his arms around me to cuddle I guess. I let some tears falling on his shirt, he was really reassuring and his perfume... He smelt so good. I was having a cuddle with Zayn Malik, everything's normal, okay don't panic. Moreover I could feel his fingers pressing against my back, he wasn't faking it ! He really wanted me to feel better.

"Then he just called to tell me that it was a bad idea, that he should have told me earlier that he loved someone else. I guess I've missed clues but you know I was in love with him, and I'm still. But I think when you start to love someone you also fall in love with the idea you always had about a person. I thought he could be the one who will marry me you know , well I thought he was my person. I guess I wasn't his.

While I was confessing those things to him he was looking at me in an innocent way. The look he gave me with his beautiful brown eyes and his long black lashes, which were longer than mine even if I would put mascara on, it was so relaxing. It felt like he was my best friend. The more I looked at him the more gorgeous he seemed. I didn't realize it before but he had a small beauty spot in his left eye right next to his iris. Then he took my hands between his.

"I know what you're feeling, sometimes it is hard to let go on someone you want to keep close to you. I know how it feels like when you thought you had found the right person for you. I agree with what you said, about the fact that you already have an idea about the person you want .Little by little you try to transform that person into the dream you've made, but at least you are always disappointed. You are sad because you had already imagined to marry him and have kids with him but you always did, right ? I mean with someone else. You should just let things happen and forget about your dream a little while. Because once you will find the right person you won't even notice that your dream has come true. And even if you were not meant to be, who cares ? If you have loved him as much as you said just imagine how much you will love the right one. The love of your life is waiting for you somewhere in this world but don't try to purchase him, he will come to you sooner than you expected."

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