Chapter 24 : Take me away

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:phone buzzing:

Logan :
"Hey you ;), still okay for tonight ?"

Me :
"Yeah sure !"

Logan :
"I'll pick you up at 8 then"

Me :
"-K, see u later 😘"

Logan :
"See you tonight yeah😘 xx"

I appreciate Logan's company, he is a good guy. When I'm with him, I forget about... Zayn. Well until I come back home and think about it before sleeping but, it feels good.

Logan and I became closer til the day we met, when he came with his mom. We talked and I found him really interesting and terribly attractive. He was really polite and nice to me, he seemed so pure, I felt like he would never hurt me.

And that's why it feels good to be with him, I need someone like him in my life right now. I need someone simple and honest, not someone who would drop me whenever he wants.

My mum was very happy about this as she appreciates his mother a lot. She always supported me about boys and always wanted the best for me.

And maybe this time, Logan was the best for me.

It was good not to think too much and just let go, let things happen whatever happen and whatever you're feeling.

I had seen Logan a couple of times now, and tonight we'll be going to the cinema, which was a good idea because I love movies.

Sounds really romantic doesn't it ?

I was happy about all of this but... I don't know. There was always something that hold me back, maybe I'm not completely ready to let someone else coming into my life.

Yet, I could feel I was really stressed about this rendez-vous so, it means I kinda like him ? Sometimes I'm wondering, why is it so easy to fall in love with the wrong guy and so hard to like the good one ?

Maybe because we all want the bad guy to love us. But sometimes what we want is not what we need. Zayn is not what I need.

And every time Logan look at me I can feel I'm blushing, I can feel I'm happy to be with him. Everything is simple and simplicity is all I need after what I've been through.

Moreover, he understands me and doesn't judge me. I told him about "Zac", well I didn't tell him the true story but the main thing. Logan was very comprehensive and compassionate, like a best friend, a really cute best friend.

We haven't kissed yet and I'm not complaining about that, I can wait because it's worth it this time. And I don't really know if I want this to happen now, I don't want to take things too seriously. I just want to live my life.

I was standing in front of my closet, wondering what I'll be wearing tonight. For the first time in a long time I wanted to be pretty for someone, I wanted to be attractive for a man. I had more self-confidence and I had gained weight, which my mom noticed.

Everything was going great, finally.

I rummaged through my closet, searching for the perfect outfit for tonight, not too sexy and not too simple. Then I decided to pick up a pair of black slim jean which embellish my curves and a white crop top. I want to look good but to be myself, I don't need to hide behind clothes I'd never wear, I don't want to lie to Logan.

I'm enough with lies.

I decided to straighten my hair caustiously , put some makeup on and had my nails done. Once I had finished, I looked at myself in the mirror and for the first time in a long time, I liked what I saw.

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