Chapter 7 : Escape

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The good thing about being famous and rich is that you can have everything you want. Private jet was a part of that, I didn't hesitate too long when I saw how much preoccupied was Zayn about the situation. Obviously I decided to follow him no matter what. I tried to stay calm and relax whereas I was afraid of heights and felt dizzy, staring at him helped me not to think about it or even looking through the windows of the plane. I was running away with him and it felt very exciting and dangerous.

Like in movies you know, when the bad guy takes the girl in his car to run away with him and never going back. Well, my bad boy wasn't really bad, actually he was just the opposit and the car was replaced by a private jet. To be honest, it feels good to be the first role in the movie, the main actress who gets all the attention and power. He put me in the first place and it felt enjoyable.

Me, only me.

Actually it is how it looks like at first sight but, when I see how attention and power can drag you down suddenly you step back and think twice. I respected him for that : the pressure, the fans, the paparazzi, no more private life... I don't know if I could have handled it if I was in his shoes. I've always heard people saying things like "it's easy for famous people like him or her they don't have to care about money" but right now I think Zayn would have exchanged everything he had for a little bit a peace.

I wondered if he would like to go back to a normal life, sometimes all you need is to be supported but when nobody understands you or is close enough to you (even the fans), what choice do you have ? It's amazing how fans and supporters are here for him, and I respect that, but I think sometimes he needs someone who doesn't freak out or try to manipulate him. I think he needs to trust someone.

I'll be this person if he wants me to.

I was used to wealth, luxury with Alexander. He had always been rich and he wasn't afraid to show it, everybody knew that, but I never cared about it. I'm looking for a personality, someone I can talk to, not a bank account. Well, not everybody's like this, while I was with him I was always worried about girls who tried to approach him or seduce him because of his money, venal bitches you know. So, I can understand Zayn about it : when you wonder if this girl is talking to you because of your money, the fear to be betrayed. I had to reassure Alexander a lot about it, but I think I won't have to with Zayn.

I was recalling what he said to me : "I trust you because you're not acting like everyone with me. You're simple, honest and calm and I appreciate that."

I was proud he could see right through me, he already trusted me and I won't break his faith , never. It fascinates me how Zayn sees this qualities about me when he only knows me for days, Alexander had always been worried I could betray him. He had understood me the minute I talked to him, how amazing he was.

"Lore, Lore, wake up. The jet has landed you can open your eyes now." Zayn was tenderly touching my cheek to wake me up, he put his head next to my ear, his deep voice made me smile. I soflty stood up from my nap, but too quick I guess because I felt a little bit dizzy. I haven't eat for hours and I was tired.

"Slow down babe, I don't want you to pass out, sit down and take your time." He catched me as soon as I started to fall on my seat. He must be the one who needs help, not me, come on Lore on your feet !

"It's okay, it's just that I need to eat something I guess. And I'm a little bit afraid of heights as you may have seen." I kind of felt ashamed about it.

"Don't worry about food, I'll cook you something in my flat. And don't feel awkward 'bout that, I don't like heights too."

He will cook for me ? Woah. And then on the seventh day God created Zayn Malik.

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