Chapter 14 : Trust

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During this week-end with my parents I had no choice but to put a fake smile on my face, I can deal with all of this, they don't need to know. And after what happened with Alex I managed myself not to show how pissed, sad and angry I was. Of course being completly perfect in front of my parents was part of his plan, like the perfect boyfriend they used to know.

Maybe he has always been playing a role, maybe our relationship was fake. I started to question everything. I think people never changed, and deep down I think Alex had always been like that it's just that my feelings got me blind. But now I could see, see the truth.

As he walked out the kitchen it's like nothing had happened. Alex was calm and relax and talked to my parents like the good old times. Now, I could see his real personality, he was manipulative and cruel. Money was his biggest goal and as he said, if he has to blackmail his ex-girlfriend he'd do it. It's driving me crazy just how fast the night changes, how fast I had lose trust in him.

When Alex left, he said goodbye to my parents but I was standing there. Not in the mood for a hug or anything from him. I guess my mom noticed my awkward behaviour as she said :

"Lore, you're not saying goodbye ? Don't be impolite." My mum said as I dragged my feet towards him while sighing. Then I gave a quick hug to him.

Like so fake.

"Yeah, that's better. And don't forget our compromise, I'll keep an eye on you." His blue eyes looking at me, I nodded and then Alex just left and I watched him taking the road, shivers running down my spine.

Did you ever feel like you want to scream or cry but you can't because you don't want anyone to ask you questions ? That was exactly what I felt. Moreover I couldn't talk about the little confrontation I've had with Zayn, that was a really bad week.

I felt like I've lost everything.

When I said goodbye to my parents, my mum hugged me and I could feel the tears in my eyes but I quickly managed to wipe them, I didn't want to let go but I had to. I knew things were going to be difficult but I had to face them, I have to.

While I was driving back home, I had time to think again about what happened and all I could see was Alex's devilish smile on his fucking face. The way he looked at me proved me he was determined and nothing will stop him. Maybe he hasn't told his parents about our break up and he needed things to be the way it was before, just to avoid explanations ?

Just to think about his hands all over me, I felt nauseous, he disgusted me. But I have to admit that his plan was judicious, Alex was a good manipulator and people were easily afraid of him. He never scared me, but now, well things have changed and so did he.

I didn't see that coming.

As I was going back home, I decided to pick up the phone and call Alice. Even if I couldn't tell her about Zayn or Alex she was my bestfriend and I needed her company.

"Hey there, wanna meet today ? I've missed you. <3" Alice answered quite fast.

"Yeah sure ! Ur place ?"

"Yeah, great."

"Okay, be there in a few minutes Lore <3."

When Alice came she was wearing a cute white dress with a pair of vans, a big smile on her face. That was definitely what I needed, Alice was the kind of person who always shine and make people happy, you know ? Like even though she has problems she never shows it.

"So, what's up ?"

"Yeah, fine. Actually I haven't seen you since I told you about, you know that guy."

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