Chapter 11 : Light and Dark

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I was checking everywhere around to see where he was, I knew he was stalking me right now and it felt a little bit frustrating. Where the hell was he ? If he could see my outfit then he must be close, close enough. Then I made a few step forward, look on my left and there he was. He was standing against a wall, with a sweat-shirt and a snapback, he was looking at his feet holding his phone between his hands.

Even if he tried to hide I could recognize him anytime, you can't run away from me Zayn, nobody could forget such features. I was walking towards him, trying not to freak out because we were in public and it was already exceptionnal for him to show up here. Then he looked up and took his phone to put it in his pocket.

"Got you !" I said. He smiled at me, and hugged me. It was a little bit awkward because actually, I didn't know how to react. Should we kiss ? or simply say "hi" ? Well, I don't care, at least he's here wih me.

Right now I had so many questions, how did he get here ? how did he know I was going home now ? I'm telling you he's a wizard, he surprises me all the time.

"Zayn, what are you doing ? I mean how do you know my schedule ? Just- I wasn't expecting you here !"

"I can go if you want me to..." He gave me a puppy face and shrugged, like a kid. He is so irresistible, how could you be so cute.

"Of course I'm happy to see you, you fool. Just tell me !"

"Well, when I was sleeping in my room in NY, I received a quick phone call from my manager. He told me I was going to have a photoshoot in two days in London so I'll have to get there. So, when you left I told you that you'll see me sooner than you think because I already knew I'll see you the day after."

"Why you didn't tell me ? I would have wear something else, and put some make up on at least."

"You don't need make-up, you're already gorgeous..." I was blushing so hard, I didn't have much self-confidence, I was always worried about what I look like but with him it was different. "Lore, if you don't mind I'd like to go right now, I don't want to be recognized. Can we go somewhere ?"

"Sure, let's go to my flat, it's not far from here we can go by feet." Then he took my hand and started to walk beside me.

15 minutes later, we reached my flat, I lived on the second floor so we just climbed the stairs and didn't take the elevator. Fortunately for us nobody had recognized him yet, but we walked fast in case it would happened. I opened my bag and took my keys, but before opening the door I told him :

"It is a little flat compared to yours, but, yeah just come in."

Then he enters and looked everywhere, I think he likes it, it is little but cosy and intimate.

"It is lovely, you don't have to be ashamed. I like it, you have good taste, it's pretty cute actually."

"Glad you like it because it's my little world, my home."

"You know what ? I like it even more because now I can do this." Then he leaned into a kiss and put his arm around my waist, down my back, holding me tight. He was just looking at me with his big eyes, smiling. I was his and he was mine, I can't tell how much I like our secret rendez-vous. It is dangerous and exciting at the same time.

Then we just sat on the couch, with the TV on in my living room. It was 7:00 p.m and I started to get hungry, but I didn't know what to cook because I always make something quick like pasta or cheeseburger. I'm not really a great cook.

"Uhm, would you like to eat something ? I'm sorry I don't know what to cook maybe we could just...order ?"

"Don't worry 'bout that, pizza will be perfect. You don't need to impress me, just being with you is great." If he keeps compliment me I think I will eat him, not the pizza, definitely.

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