Chapter 27 : Ready to run

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Zayn's POV

My sisters, my cousin and my mom came to Tahiti to join us. I felt relieved to see them as they truly know who I am, they don't judge me neither. I know I can totally be myself with them, and moments like this are rare in my world. The permanent mask you're wearing can easily replace your real face, that's why you need your family. No cameras, no games, no fake relationships.

Moreover, I really needed people to lean on because I don't trust Gigi, she has something in the back of her mind and I'll find out soon. I don't know, I can feel she has something psycho in her, something I should be worried about. I felt like I perfectly knew her but at the same time I felt like she was only showing me what she wanted to show.

She was hiding something from me and I needed to know what.

And I could feel my mom didn't really like her too, the way she dressed, the way she speaks which is kinda embarrassing sometimes. My sisters and Sarooha -who is like a sister to me- were not very close to her too. And I could tell it was unusual. They're not the type of girls who exclude people, they are sociable girls, that's why I really started to think there is something wrong with G.

Family dinners became really embarassing as nobody knew what to talk about. My mom wasn't even interrested into Gigi's life, neither do my sisters. They knew this relationship was fake but I thought they would have been more... sympathetic ? At least, I thought they would have tried to know her better.

But anyway, it felt good to see them and to share moments with them. It felt like home, even if we were miles away from it. It was almost time for them to go now, and I kinda felt sad because I hate goodbyes, especially when it comes to my mum.

I helped them to pack their bags, Gigi was out of sight, God knows where she was. After all, she doesn't have to say goodbye it's not her family but I thought she'd be more respectful. I'll talk about it with her, cause even if I don't really like her I'm not here to persecute her.

I helped my mom and my sisters to take their bags in the car which will drive them to the airport. I kissed and hugged them, hoping I'll see them as soon as I can. My sisters started to run away, they were walking in the car , but suddenly my mom stood there. She was waiting for the girls to be out of sight, she turned her head and looked at me.

"Mom, you're not leaving ?" I frowned.

"Look honey," she took my hand "I need to talk to you before I leave."

"What's wrong ?"

"About that girl, Gigi. You must stay away from her." She looked worried.

"I know you don't like her but mom, you know that's my job I have no choice this time. Joe already signed a contract and all the stuff."

"Zayn," her eyes deeply looking at me "We always have a choice. And this time I need you to choose what's best for you, even if it means breaking the rules."

"Mom, what's going on ?"

"This girl," she paused "She's dangerous, she thinks you belong to her. She told me she would do anything to keep you, anything."

"Wait what ? What did she do ?!"

"One morning I woke up earlier than usual. She was already cooking something in the kitchen, breakfast I guess. We had a fight, not physically but, she had a...knife in her hands Zayn. She was out of control. I think she's a real psycho, the type of girl you never get rid of."

"" Little by little I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my fists clenched, I couldn't believed what she was saying.

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