Chapter 15 : Protection

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I was a little bit shaken about what Alice said, I could hardly sleep this night. I was just turning right and left in my bed with all of this questions in my head, like how was it even possible ?

Alice sweared she never wanted to be with Alex and she never tried to seduce him, and of course I believe her 'cause now I see how trouble he is. So, basically he left me because he thought he had a chance with my bestfriend ? Well, that's really stupid. C'mon Alex I thought you were clever than that.

Alice told me how he came to her house, knocked on her door and waited for her to come. First she was really surprised to see him because they never been that close. Then Alex told her how he started to feel something for her when she was hanging out with us sometimes.

How he started to stalk her on social medias and how he could feel his heart beats fast when she was next to him. When he made it clear about his feelings she said "no" right away, she said she could never betrayed me and anyway she felt nothing for him.

Ha, I would have given everything to see that. Deep down I was happy because he would never be with the person he loves, but then I remembered that it was also my case.

My smile started to fade away as I was thinking about Zayn, I don't even know if I want to see him again. Like, when I'm with him everything's just perfect but it's like a fantasy, nothing lasts forever.

I feel like making him falling in love with me is the hardest thing ever. And of course I was the type of girl to fall in love easily. Ridiculous, right ? He was like a star in the sky : you can see it, watch it and it makes your eyes shining but you can't never reach it.

And there's so many other star in the sky, maybe he would never notice you.

I was mentally tired of all of this, so I decided to sleep late tomorrow. At least when you're sleeping you're not thinking and all I need is to rest. I took the sheet to cover me and started to close my eyes as I could see the ray of light through the blind in my room.

*hours later*

Suddenly a noise made me opened my eyes and jumped out of the bed, still asleep a bit. I was stretching and yawning at the same time, I needed a shower to wake me up but someone just kept on knocking on my door.

When I took a look at the clock it was already late in the afternoon and I looked like a mess, not really ready to welcome anyone. So, I just waited for like 3 minutes to see if that person kept on knocking. But then a familiar voice just spelled my name, waiting for me to reply.

"Lore ?"

OH MY GOD THAT'S HIM. Quickly, I took a bathrobe to hide my ugly pyjamas and did my hair in a high ponytail. I was running fast in my bathroom to brush my teeth and put some perfume at least, checking in my mirror how I looked like. I looked like a mess but anyway it was my fault if I decided to sleep late, I had no excuse.

Then I took a deep breath and reached the door to open it, Zayn was looking down at this phone ready to send me a text when he looked up and smiled at me. He was perfectly dressed up and his hairstyle made him look like a model with only a strand of hair falling on his face, I could tell he was coming back from his photoshoot. He was looking fierce and terribly sexy at the same time.

When I saw him I started to blush hard completly speechless as his eyes were looking right through me waiting for me to say "hi" or something like that.

"Z...Zayn...Hi !"

"Hi Lore, am I disturbing you ? Did I wake you up ?"

"Actually, yeah."

"I see, maybe I should go or ?"

"It's up to you."

"I thought you'll be happy to see me actually. Is there something wrong ?"

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