Chapter 9 : Just hold on we're going home

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Zayn took me out of the airport very quick, anyone could recognize him anytime. But I think he wasn't really worried about that, he was just mad at me for what I've done, leaving without telling him. But what was I supposed to do ? I've got responsibilities, studies and family, I can't go just like that. Anyway he was furious.

But to be honest, if I put myself into his shoes, I would be furious too. Waking up with nobody by your side is not the best feeling.

We were sitting in his private car, with his private driver going back to his flat I guess. He didn't even look at me, he was just looking through the window with his fists firmly closed on his lap. Negative sign. I felt like I was going to be grounded by my dad seriously. Who is he to act like that ? We're not even together, I don't know if we're even something. I decided to break that silence.

"You mad ?" He didn't answer. Why are you acting like a fucking child Zayn. I tried one more time.

"Are you going to answer ? Because I've got to go in case you didn't notice and I'd like to know what we're gonna do next."

"I noticed yeah. We're going back to my apartment, we will talk 'bout this when we will be alone, so just hold on we're going home."

That's all he said to me before we finally arrived.

"Thanks Leonard," he said to his driver.

Then he took me by the arm to move forward, he really seemed angry. Of course he wasn't hurting me but I could feel in the way he moves that he was in a hurry to get me in. We will have a talk and I will have to justify myself but that's fine, it was fair. Once we reached his door, he opened it and threw his jacket and his keys on the couch. Then he lighted up a cigarette and told me to join him in his room with a quick sign of the hand. He opened his big window to let the smoke out and stood right in the middle of his room waiting for me to speak.

"You thought I wouldn't noticed, did you ?" His tone was quite arrogant and bitter, but I could feel he was hurt somehow.

"You were sleeping, I just didn't want to wake you up and I left a note by the way."

"Funny how it all started with a note and now you think you can leave me the same way. But guess what Lore, I'm human and sometimes you need more than words to say goodbye."

What does he mean by it all started ? I left him because I already knew nothing will last between us and now it's like he proves me wrong. I really need answers.

"Listen Zayn I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings but honestly, we don't know each other it's not like we were together or something. I mean, I'm just a girl leaving in London and you're Zayn Malik. I'm not expecting more from you and I don't want to be dumbfounded."

"Only because you're just a normal girl and I am Zayn Malik means you have to run away from me ? See, that's the point. Everybody thinks that when you're famous you always get people around you when you're sad or depressed. People might even think I would never be sad because I'm leaving such an amazing life. But I'm telling you they're all wrong, YOU are wrong Lore."

"Okay so tell me, what was I supposed to do Zayn ? It is nice knowing you, I enjoyed this little trip and the moments we have spend together but to be honest I don't know what to do right now. I am just overwhelmed by the situation, I am not used to that, what's going on next ?"

"I can't tell you what's going on next because I don't even know."

"See, that's not enough, I need answers. I just can't drop school, my family and my friends for days when you don't even know what's going on in your mind. I have to go back to University, I'm not a part of your world, I can't-"

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