Chapter 20 : Won't you stay till the AM (part 1)

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"Why so quiet ?" Zayn patted my hand while I was looking through the window, trying to contain all the hatred I had. I didn't even turn my face, my eyes still staring at the view passing before my eyes. I took my time to answer him.

"I'm just tired." I was trying to avoid conversation as I couldn't think straight since what Gigi told me. If I speak now I might lose my shit and that wouldn't be good for the both of us. I had to admit Blondie was right and everything made sense. I was just a pawn in this game, and he was the King. All I could do is losing.

And I was losing.

Zayn wasn't very talkative too, actually he was still a bit tipsy because of the drinks his manager ordered for them, as soon as they had an agreement.

All along I started to think twice about the moments we had, wondering if he was really sincere or not. But all of these questions won't be unanswered too long because I'll ask him directly, I was just waiting for us to reach his flat. I didn't want to make a scene in front of everybody, at least this conversation will be private.

The car stopped minutes later and when I got out from it Zayn tried to take my hand but I quickly pushed it away. He looked at me surprised but as he was a bit drunk he didn't pay too much attention and just searched for his keys to opened the door.

Zayn threw his jacket on the sofa and started to get undress, not really able to walk straight. But then he came closer to me and leaned for a kiss on the lips but I turned my face, I was clearly rejecting him.

"You can stop playing now, I know everything." Zayn pulled his head back to be able to look at me, all I could feel was disgust and hatred even if his lips were really close to mine and driving me crazy usually. "And don't even try to deny it."

"Babe," he put his hand on my cheek trying to make me face him but I firmly pushed his hand away. "What's wrong ?" Zayn put a hand down my back trying to put me closer and tried to kiss me again but this time I fiercely pushed him.

"I'm no one to you, remember ?" Suddenly his face became serious, my words hitting him like a slap in his face. Zayn frowned but I could see in his eyes that he could recall what he said on the phone at the same time. He was probably wondering how did I know, actually he looked completly dumbfounded. I guess he wasn't expecting that. He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him short. "Don't waste your time trying to justify, I heard everything."

"I see, and what did you hear exactly ?" Zayn stepped back , he sounded a bit arrogant and pissed off now, I don't know why but it seems like he's not gonna take any responsibilities about this.

"I heard you speaking on the phone, you said I was just a random girl you met, you said I was no one to you. Does it ring any bell ?"

"So you're stalking me, right. I don't really appreciate this type of behaviour Lore, that's not very polite."

"Were you talking about me when you said that ?" Zayn was trying to avoid the subject which made me even more pissed at him.

"That was a private conversation between me and my manager. Don't put your nose into others' business, I'm sure your mom taught you that." His arrogance was slowly driving me crazy, Zayn lighted up a cigarette and looked at me while breathing the smoke in and out. He was trying so hard to intimidate me.

"You're avoiding the subject because you know I'm goddamn right, don't you ?" He rolled his eyes. "Now, answer my question, please."

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