Chapter seven: the night before comic con

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Katelyn's POV
It was the night before comic con and I did not feel so good. I go to Chandler's room and asked him if Chandler can come and lay with me in my room and he said yes.

He got his stuff and brought it to my room. We latex down on the bed and I laid on his shoulder. In the morning we got up and I did not feel great but I jumped into the shower and washed my hair and body.

When Chandler got up he looked at me and kissed me on the lips I didn't kiss him back because we were going to be late to comic con if he did not jump into the now. When he got out I just got done doing my hair and teeth.

When he got out of the bathroom to get his cloths his hair and teeth were brushed. I went to a mirror to do my makeup.

When Chandler came out he was wearing black skinny jeans and a black and blue flannel with black converse. I was wearing high waisted jeans with a flower tank top with black converse.

We went down stairs and was waiting for Norman, Andrew, and Austin because they were still getting ready.

When that come down 3 minutes later we all had to share a car because there was not enough room in the parking lot.

When we parked the car we all got out of the car except me and Chandler. Chandler asked me if I was ok and I said I do not feel great but we have to go in.

I almost got out of the car until I felt like I was going to throw up. Chandler said what is going on? Do you have the flue. I look out the window and everyone was standing outside waiting for us to get out.

I quickly said I don't know but if I throw up. I have to call my mom to tell her to come pick me up. When I see Chandler look out side the window he said ok and if you need me to pick you up and drive you home I can do that.

Then after that we get out. Andrew said that we have been sitting in the car for four minutes now. We walk up and said yeah I know I just got a little nervous and Chandler tried to calm me down I'm fine.When we walk into comic con it looks huge.

Hey guys hope you like this chapter. Comment below if I should change anything. Bye😀

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