Chapter 20: mom???!!

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Katelyn's POV

The guy on the other line said your mom died. I screamed and I heard a lot of thumping from down stairs. I saw Chandler, Robert, Norman, Lauren, and Andrew were the first ones to see.

Then everyone else came. Chandler came running at me and fell to the ground holding me and asked what happened?  I said m-my m-mom d-d-died I was sobbing so much that I could not breathe. Emily came to me and hugged me.

I got back on the phone and said Saturday will be when we have the funeral for my mom. Btw if your wondering about my dad we did not have a funeral because one reason was they did not want to see my dad it was bad. The second reason was because we forgot about it after my mom got hit.

I hung up the phone and everyone ran to me and hugging me. I felt the baby kick and I screamed because it was kicking hard. Chandler asked what and I said give me your hand. He said why and I said just do it and he gave me his hand.

I put his hand on my stomach and he said what is that? I said it is the baby kicking He smiled.  I look up and look at Norman looked at us and had a look that me to you guys look like we were idiots. I asked Norman what is wrong and he said nothing.

Chandlers POV
I see Katelyn gets up from the Table and puts her dish in the sink and goes up stairs. I walk to the sink and Andrew coms to talk to me. I asked what's up? He said what is wrong with Katelyn. She looks worried.

I said she probably is because her mom is in the hospital and might die. I am worried that I might lose Katelyn when she goes into labor. I herd Norman say you know what the best thing to do is get married.

I said he might be right. I heard a scream and I knew that was Katelyn's scream so I run up stairs and she is on the phone I run to her and she is sobbing. I run her head and look up. Everyone was there and I mouth please don't do anything bad to Katelyn for a while.

Norman mouths I won't and Katelyn said that she will have her moms funeral on Saturday and hung up. She said in a shaky voice that her mom died and also her voice cracked. I hugged her and said it will be ok. She said I can't lose you.

I said I can't lose you either and she started to hold her stomach. She said to give her my hand and I said why? She said because the baby is kicking hard. I give her my hand and she puts it on her stomach.

I look up at Norman and he was looking at us wired. I look back at Katelyn and she looks up at Norman the baby keeps on kicking and ask how do you feel? She said good. Kate I don't want to lose you. She said I don't want to leave this baby and you.

I hope you like this chapter and please comment what you think. I hope you are having a good summer. Btw stay cool by the pool. Have a good summer bye😄

Katelyn and Chandler's friend ship turns into a whole other storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن