Chapter 37

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Katelyn's POV
The doctor said the reason why you are throwing up so much is because...

You are done being pregnant and you are throwing up like you did when you first became pregnant and before you even knew you were pregnant and this will be happening until you get pregnant again and something bad happens or it will stop when ever you start feeling better but for now we will put you on medicine and send you on your way. It scared me so much when he said all that from the beginning to end and I felt like I was going to throw up again.

He gave me the medicine and told me to take it twice a day and told me to take once in the morning and once in the evening. I said ok thank you and one more thing he looked at me and I said what am I supposed to do if I get more sick he said then we will have to see what is causing it. I said ok and I asked can I leave now he said yes. So I get up and walked out the door and looked for chandler. Once I found him I said alright I am ready to go home. He said ok and we left the hospital. We got in the car and he said so what kind of medicine is that I said I have no idea what it's called and isn't illegal to give a person medicine without telling them what the medicine is for and what it's called? He said yeah now that I think of it it is illegal.

Once we got home I got out of the car and walked inside since chandler beat me in the house. I went to the family room to see if I can hold one of the twins and when I got in the family room I looked at the couch I saw Grayson holding the baby girl and mrs. Riggs holding the baby boy. I go over to chandler since he is standing and he puts an arm around me and I lay my head on so shoulder. He asked if I wanted to go upstairs and go to bed for tonight and I said yeah sure but first I want to hold one of the babies and say goodnight to everyone. He said yeah that is cool he went over to his mom and asked if he can hold the baby boy and asked Grayson if I can hold the baby girl they said yeah sure and let us hold them.

When I looked down at the girl I callus tell I had a name for her and I said out loud without  thinking I said you look like a Brooklyn and your brought looks like a Lucas to me. I looked at chandler because I knew once I said that he would say something or just look at me. I looked over at him and he said it is perfect and I love whatever you pick out. I said well thank you now I am tired and I need sleep so I am going up stairs to put Brooklyn to bed chandler you sure you have little Lucas he said yes I do let's head to bed. We got up stairs to see the cribs put together.

We laid the babies down and said goodnight to them and went to our room. I felt a whole lot better than I did hours ago it feels like I have no idea what time it but I am exhausted. I get on sweat pants and a sweat shirt and hop in bed and fall asleep almost immediately. 

Hey I know this chapter is not the best I promise I will update soon and maybe even make a sequel we will see well talk to y'all soon. Bye

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