Chapter 35: kate is alright!!! But back at the hospital again???

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Chandler's POV
When I walked into Kate's room I saw she laying on the bed her eyes open and her thinking so deep she did not hear me walk in. I then said are you ok you are looking like you are in deep thought? She said yeah I am ok I just feel like something is wrong. I asked what do you mean. She says well I do not know how to explain it but what if one of the kids get sick and since there was a possibility that we loose one of the twins.

I said that will never happen to us we have been through to much already and if it does happen we will get through it some how. Now do you want to change the subject and talk about baby names or do you what to see if you can sight out and go home and talk to everyone at home. She said yeah let's change the subject and see if we can get out of hear because this hospital gives way to bad memories about my mom. I then remembered all that happened in this hospital and all the stuff that just happened now.

I said alright let's get a nurse to see if you can go home today. She said ok sounds good. I said I will be right back. She alright see you soon. I walk out of the room to go look for a nurse and it just so happens I see the nurse that was helping Kate all night and asked hey are we aloud to leave the hospital after we sign her out? He said well since she almost died this morning at 3:00 am then I will see how she is and see if she is aloud to go home and if she is and she gets sick again or something happens then bring her back here. I said what do you mean if she gets sick again. He said well since Kate can't have kids and she almost died she can catch the flue or can still be getting sick.

I said ok and head back to her room with the doctor right behind me. When we walked into her room I saw she was gone and nowhere insight until I heard someone in the bathroom throwing up and in that moment I knew she had to stay one more night but it also depends on how long she throws up. A few seconds later she comes out and says hey I do not feel good and I am glad you brought back a doctor can you see what I have since I know I can't be pregnant and why I am still throwing up.

The doctor said I want you to go sit in the bed with your fiancé so I can tell you what is going to happen for the next couple days and if it gets worse over night then I want you come back but for right now let me tell you what will happen to you. She said ok and sat down on the bed I knew that look when she looks at you like she might throw up any minute because what was going on for 8 1/2 months. We sat down and the doctor told her basically what he told me like you can go home and that since you almost died at 3:00 am you will be throwing up for a couple of days that will act like a flue or will be a flue. I will let you go home but if something goes wrong I want you come back here and I will check it out. She said thank you and we walked out of the room and went to where everyone was but before we could do anything the doctor came out and told them what he told me and Kate and that he would want to know the babies name buy a certain amount of time and we will have to go out and buy baby formula and everything you would basically need for a baby.

I looked at my mom and she looked like she has seen a go ghosting looked at Kate and she said we need to get going because she does not feel well and she wants to hold the babies when we get home.

(Time past)
We just pulled up into the driveway and Kate said that she will be right back she just has to do something and by that I knew she had to throw up so I asked Andrew and Melisa if they could get the babies I had to help Kate with something real quick. I ran inside and go up to my bathroom and see the door wide open with Kate throwing up so much it looked like she was still pregnant but when we came back home from comic con 8 months ago.

I am hiking Kate's hair back and I hear foot steps coming up the steps then I see my mom come is and say we can take care of the twins tonight you can have a couple days off and when I look down at Kate I see she stoped puking for a minute and said thank you much we appreciate it. My walks out and I sit down and Kate lays on me. I can hear her breathing calmed down a little bit and almost fell asleep when my brother came in the bathroom and Kate was way to tired and forgot to flush the toilet when Grayson said hey is she okay why is she so sick. I said she will be throwing up for the next couple of days because of what is happening to her now. Grayson says ok and leaves.

I wake up Kate because I want to move her to my bed and I should clean up the bathroom when she goes to the toilet an starts throwing up again and again and agin. I can tell how weak she is getting it feels like I will lose her any second so I say I will be right back and go down stairs and say he I have to go somewhere I will be right back. I leave and I have my car keys and I drive to the nearest cvs and I get out of my and go into the store. I look for medicine for Kate and couldn't find any so I asked a women for medicine that could help my fiancé get better and the woman asked what is wrong with her I said she is throwing up like crazy and she just was in the hospital for 7-8 hours because she had twins and almost died and now she is really sick. The women in her twenties said we have medicine that might help her I do not know what to say I am sorry if were you I would take her back to the hospital and ask what is wrong with her and see if she is dying. I said ok but can I at least see if the medicine helps her first then if it doesn't I will take her back to the hospital. The woman said fine and gave me the bottle and said she has to take 2 a day on in the morning and one in the evening. I said thank you and left the store paying $20.00. I have no idea why it was so expensive but it is what is.

(Time skip sorry)
When I got home I went up stairs and saw Kate passed out on the ground. I went up to her and picked her up bridle style I have no idea why no one is here but it was unusual I don't even know where the twins are and I have no idea why they would not check up on her when she is sick like this. At that second the front door open and I went down the stars to see walked through the door and it was....

Everyone that was here when I left. I asked in a calm voice where did you guys go? My mom said the twins would not fall asleep so we drove around for a while and we went to check on Kate but she was sleeping in bed. I said well when I got home she was passed out on the bathroom floor. Grayson said I think she was throwing up again and I think we should either get he medicine or take her back to the hospital. I said I went to cvs and got her medicine I do not know if it will work or not but if it doesn't then we will take her back to the hospital. Then I said I am going upstairs to get some sleep. After I said that I heard foot steps coming down the steps and I knew it was Katelyn because she was the only one up there. When she came around the corner she looked like a very sick person about to die and what she said was I think we should go back to the hospital because something is clearly not right.

I said yeah let's go and grave the keys again. I also said are you all coming or are you going to stay here. They all said in sync we will stay here and if she has to stay over night then we will come. I said I under stand because of the twins and everyone was tired so I said you all could stay hear meaning the walking dead cast. They said thank you. I said your welcome and grabbed a bag just in case Katelyn throws up in the car and got in the car. Kate told me what was going on and I said it will be ok and I promise you I wish we went sooner but I went to cvs to get medicine to help through this but now that I think about it I think we should just go and then see what they say. Kate then said are you mad at me because I am sick. I have no idea why she asked that then I said no I never would hate you and even if could I couldn't be amble to hurt you. She looked at me and said when you were gone I was in so much pain and I did not know what to do I did not feel comfortable talking to your family because I did not know what to do and I was in to much pain to even call for someone to help. I looked at her in shocked and once we got to the hospital I could see fear in her eyes and I knew she wanted to throw up but she did not have anything left to throw up. When we walked in I asked for a doctor and quick because my fiancé was very ill and were here early on to day when she gave birth to twins and she was throwing up crazy at home she said I remember you guys and I will go back and get one.

A few minutes later she came back with a nurse and they took her back and from there I just got even more nervous.

Hey guys I am very sorry for not updating I have been very busy every single day since my last chapter but I am back for good this time and after this chapter is published I am staring on my next and I really mean it this time. I love you guys so much and I will update very soon love y'all bye😌

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