Chapter 33:

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Katelyn's POV
Later on that night Grayson, Gina, William Chandler's mom and dad Chandler and I all went to the living room and sat down on the couch and discussed what was going to happen at the baby shower and how we are going to announce the babies are a boy and a girl. They thought it was a great idea if we did it that way.

Skip time to 12:00 am still Katelyn's POV:

When it became 12:00 in the morning I was having a restless night and I could not go to bed and even if I tried it could not work out because #1 the baby's were kicking and I did not feel so good at that moment and #2 I was moving around a lot but I'd did not what to wake up Chandler.

When I sat up I felt a rush of pain go through my body and it hurt so much that I yelped in pain and woke Chandler up. He looked at me and was so worried what was going on that he did not ask any questions he ran to his parents room to wake them up and take me to the hospital.

When his parents came rushing into the room I had tears streaming dow my face and saw Grayson with a shocked, sad, and scared expression. Chandler picked me up bridle style and he walked me out the door and put me laying on the seat with my head on his lap.

He then told me that everything was going to be ok and that the baby's are going be ok and that we were all going to make it. Then his parents came into the car and and started to drive to the hospital.
Skip car ride to the hospital

When we finally got to the hospital chandler picked me up and ran inside to look for a nurse he finally found one and they put me on a stretcher and took me to a hospital room to connect me to and iv, heart monitor, an other things that I don't even know.

A doctor comes in and says how I am feeling and what happened to me when I was sleeping. I told him that I was having a hard time sleeping, that I did not feel good, and the baby's were kicking.

He told me that they were going to take tests on me and they were going to make sure the baby's were ok. I told him thank you so much for helping me and under standing me. He said you are welcome and I will come back to make sure the baby's are ok and take the test so that way we know if something is wrong then left.
Skip time to when he is back in the room sorry for skipping so much

When the doctor came back in he drew blood from my arm to make sure I was ok then he checked on the baby's. when he started checking I could feel something was wrong I just could and I knew it was not good at all. He looked up at me like he had something sad to say so I said what? What happened? Is everything ok? He said I have to go get your boyfriend and tell you two at the same time.

He left the room and another rush of bane took over me and this time it felt like I was going to die. I knew this is going to be bad. When he walked back into the room with Chandler he was so scared. He came by my side and said what is it doctor what is going on. I was scared my self then he said Katelyn here has lost one of the baby's but I can't tell witch one it is I can check and see if it was the girl or the boy but I can not tell.

I wish he was lying and I asked then why is there pains rushing through my body every second? He said because the baby is not 100% past yet so here is what we are going to do since you are almost 8 and a half months pregnant we are going to have those babies born today witch might kill you or the baby we just have to be careful on what we do.

I was so scared and I bawling my eyes out for right now I did not know what to do at this point what happens if I don't make it then what just leave without meeting my new family or what is one of the baby's die I can't live like that I just can't but what I do know if I want to try to make myself and my kids stay alive I will have to do this now.

Chandler said ok let's do it and get it over with. The doctor looked at me and said what do you think Katelyn do you want to do it now. I said yes I would and I like to get it over with too. Oh and I also said Chandler if I do not make it or if one of the kids don't make it I can tell you this much you will be a great father no matter what or how this goes you here me. I love you so much. Then at that second I knew it was time to have these kids born.

The my took me to another room and they gave me pain killers so I could feel nothing at all then they did all. During the surgery everything was going blurry and I could not see very well then at that second everything went BLACK.

Hey guys I am sorry I have not updated in a long time and I know I keep saying that but please comment down below and tell me if Katelyn or any of the kids survived and please also vote on this Chapter if you liked it. Well I am going to sign off and start on my next chapter in a few minutes so good bye. 😳🙁☹️ ps this chapter has 1046 words! New record!

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