Chapter 16: Is it a miscarrige or is it something else?

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Katelyn's POV
I had some really bad pain in my stomach and I did not want to tell Chandler but when we got to his house the pain became worse.

He grabbed some pajamas them at I left at his house a couple of nights ago just in case I sleep over at his house. He hands me my cloths and I go to his bath room. I takes me about 2 minutes to get the cloths on.

When I come out of the bathroom I fell a sharp pain in my stomach witch em was where the baby was and I fell to the ground. Chandler rushes over to me and helps me out of his house to go to the hospital.

When Chandler gets in the car he call Norman and tells him to put Chandler on speaker for the whole cast to hear this. Chandler says hey I need you guys to come to the hospital right now I think Katelyn is having a miss carriage.

They all said ok and he hung up. It took us about 6 minutes to get there and when we did Chandler got out and the whole cast was there. Chandler got to my door and opened it. Once he did I got out of the car and fell it the ground and holding my stomach.

Andrew was the one who called for the nurse and the nurse did come she grabbed my arm and took me to a room. She asked me some questions and took some tests. She asked if I had cancer and I said no no one in me family had cancer except for my moms mom.

She said ok and told me that the tests will come back in about 10 minutes the most. I said ok and staid in the room. 10 minutes later she comes back in Aden says there are good news and bad news. I said ok and she asked do you want to find out with your friends at the same time or do you eant to know and then tell them?

I said no and she told me. After she did I broke down onto tears because I was scared. When she was done telling me she took me to the waiting room.

The whole cast gets up and the nurse says there are good news and bad news. The cast says say good news then the bad. She said ok and said I did not have a miss carriage. they all side in relief that I did not have a miss carriage but the bad news is Katelyn can die after having the baby. I broke down into tears again and I fell on the floor. Everyone was crying and the said that it will be ok.

I walk over to Chandler and said I and worried that I will never see you or my mom and dad or the baby. He said it will be ok and he hugs me Norman, Andrew, Emily, Lauren, Robert, Alaina, Austin, Steven, Danai, Melissa, and Scott hugged me. I was really worried at that pout and stared balling. I told everyone that I was worried that I would never see this baby grow up.

Chandler came up to me and kissed me. I told him we should tell our parents to night. He said that is a good idea. I also said I picked out some baby names for the baby. And Emily says let's hear it. I said ok and said for a girl Amber and for a boy Jake.

They all said where did you get those names and I said I wanted the kids names to be Amber and Jake all the way until I was 5 years old. They all laugh and Chandler takes me home. I asked if the whole cast can stay a Chandler's house be cause my mom was there and they said yes.

I asked my mom, my dad, Chandler's, mom, dad, and brother if they can meet me up stairs for us to talk and the all said sure and why is the whole cast staying over hear I said because I wanted them to and they said ok sure?

When we got to Chandler's room I shut the door and I told them they should sit down do this and said ok.

What do you think how the parents will act when the find out that Katelyn might die and that she is pregnant. You will have to find out if Katelyn does die. I will talk to you all some bye😭😢😭😭😥

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