Chapter 25: two weeks later acting day

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Katelyn's POV
It has been two weeks ever science we went to the doctors and lately I have been thinking or worrying about not seeing the baby when it comes. Also the baby not having a mom.

Well any ways that is not the only thing on my mind because I am also on the walking dead. So today was the day I go tithe studio and act like me and Chandler got pregnant and rick flips out.

I woke up this morning and got out of bed. I landed on my feet and Chandler was nowhere in sight. I was thinking where he could have gone but I really have no idea. I was cut of my train of thought when Grayson walked in and said if I was ready to go to the studio at 7:00?

I said not yet and he said ok. I then asked him where chandler was and he said he went out to the studio already and told me that he wanted you to sleep in a little longer. I said ok and he left so I could get ready.

I got out some sweat pants and a tank top. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. I then put on my cloths and walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen where Grayson and his mom were. Gina asked me if I was ready to go to the studio and I said yes I am.

She said ok and grabbed the car keys since Grayson wanted to go and see chandler in his outfit and see me in my out fit. The car ride was not that long so we got there in about 10-15 minutes. Once we got there we went inside and I got greeted by the cast. I said hi and Chandler comes up to me and kisses me.

He asked me how I slept and I said good. How did you sleep I asked. He said good. He then said I missed you so much this morning. I said I missed you too but I have to get ready to act and get dressed. He said ok and I left him standing with the cast.

I head to my trailer and go inside to get my outfit on, hair done, and last but not least makeup. I walk into my trailer and go to the costumes I Pick out my outfit and put it on. My out is skinny jeans but they say one month on them because that is how big my stomach is now. The top is a lank top with a flannel.

I put on the out fit and walk to hair. The hair dresser just added it to a side braid and let me move to makeup. The makeup stillest put bags under my eyes to make it look like I did not get much sleep and put fake blood on me.

The told me congrats on the pregnancy and you will be a great mom and the last thing she said was you are ready to leave to go shoot. I said ok and thank you so much than left. I walk out of the trailer to go talk to Chandler and Andrew for a few moments.

We talked about what we were shooting today, what we were going to do after the show, and about the baby. I was kind of sad when we were talking about the baby because I did not what to die and never said my hi's or good byes. We got cut off when we were going to talk about the party in a cupel of weeks by Robert.

He said are you guys ready to shoot? We all said yes and walked over to him. Chandler fallowed after me a cupel of seconds later and both of us went over to Robert and he said that we need to get to our places. Robert then says action.

Enid's POV ( Katelyn's POV )
Me and Carl walk over to Rick's house and rang the doorbell. I am super nervous to tell rick that I was pregnant with Carl's kid. We have known about the pregnancy for about a month now.

About a minute later Michonne opened the door and let us in. We walked inside as she shut the door. Carl asked Michonne if she has seen Rick and she said yes he is upstairs getting ready why. We need to talk to you. I started getting more nervous and feel like I was going to throw up right in front of Carl and Michonne.

Michonne goes up stairs to get Rick and bring him down so we can all talk. I hear Carl asked me if I was ok and I said I well number one I am really nervous about telling your dad and Michonne that I am pregnant. Second the reason is that I feel like I am going to throw up in front of all of you.

Carl then told me to sit down on the couch and wait for Michonne and his dad to come back down here. For a cupel of minutes I couldn't stop thinking about Rick's emotions and seeing what he said and Michonne just sitting there shocked. When I hear Rick and Michonne come down the stairs my heart just stopped stopes beating and the world just stopped spinning.

I fell all dizzy and I fell more nauseous that never before. I can hear rick asking Carl what's going on and Michonne trying to get my attention. I then say can I use your bathroom for just a second and the both look at me like I did something wrong. Rick said yes and points to the closest restroom in his house. I stand up and...

What do you think happened to Katelyn. Do you think she is ok. Comment and vote on what you think good night and talk to you later bye😶

Katelyn and Chandler's friend ship turns into a whole other storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon