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a banging on the door  woke arabella up. she froze, who would be at her door this early in the morning?

she ungracefully tumbled out of bed slowly getting to her feet, possible scenarios ran their course through her head.

it could be a serial killer. stupid kids at school looking to torment her, it wouldn't be the first time. slipping on her fluffy black bathrobe she made her way downstairs greeted with the dark. maybe it was her mother, but just forgot her keys.

arabella's fingers nimbly felt around on the wall for the light switch for a few seconds before she found it light flooding the room.

feeling a little better that she could now see where she was going, she made her way through the living room to the door where the banging resonated from.

what it if she really was about to die? or get kidnapped? 

feeling more hesitant than ever she  inched to the door. standing on her tippy toes arabella peeked out the peep hole not really prepared for what she was about to see.

she let out a sigh a relief when she saw harry's figure leaning against the door his fist hitting it. falling back on her heels she quickly unlocked the door and opened it. 

harry stumbled forward not prepared for the surface he was leaning against to not be there. he regained his posture and that's when arabella really took in the state harry was in.

his hair was disheveled, his eye's bloodshot, his white shirt wet from what arabella guessed alcohol because that's all she could smell since she let him in. 

"what took you so long?"  harry slurred making arabella mad. 

"why are you here?" she exclaimed.

she didn't understand why he would show up here and not go to one of his friends'.  she didn't want to play babysitter tonight.

harry shook his head, lips pursed. arabella let out another infamous sigh, and grabbed his arm to gently despite her irritation lead him inside farther so she could shut the front door. letting go of his arm she turned to him.

"can you make it up the stairs without my help?" she asked.

harry nodded messily, arabella hit the light switch and started making her way upstairs in the dark.  she glanced over her shoulder to make sure harry was still there doing okay. he was making his way up slowly holding tightly onto the railing.

when they made it to the top of the stairs, harry almost tripped up the last step. arabella grabbing his arm to try to steady him. not letting go of the hold she had  on his are she led him through her room to her bathroom.

she opened the door motioning for harry to go inside, hitting the light switch. he shuffled past her over to the bathroom sink placing his hands on the white porcelian looking at himself at the mirror mounted above.

arabella paused, watching harry look at his reflection in the mirror. she had a pretty good feeling he wouldn't be going home, and she couldn't let him climb in bed with alcohol covered clothes.

"harry, i don't have any clothes for you to change into. i can't let you crawl into bed like that." arabella said to harry who had adverted his gaze to her.

he just shook his head, his curls hitting his face from the action. 

"i'll just sleep in my boxers, is that okay with you ara?" harry said in a tone arabella didn't know how to translate.

arabella lips sealed into a line, she didn't like anyone calling her ara. especially  boys that come to her house drunk, and doesn't acknowledge her existence unless they want something.

"it's arabella." she corrected him. 

harry ignored her though, turning to the other side of him eyeing up arabella's shower. pushing himself away from sink arabella watched as he gestured to the shower.

"mind if i shower?" he asked. 

arabella shrugged, she didn't really care at this point. at least the alcohol smell will be pretty much gone.

"awesome." harry laughed, his lips drawn up into a big smile.

arabella rolled her eyes, trying to not to smile herself at how harry was currently acting. she opened the cupboard where the towels and washcloths were kept pulling on of each out for harry to use.  setting them on the bathroom sink for him to lose she escaped as harry was taking off his shirt.

a blush fought to rise in her cheeks despite arabella's protest. i mean harry was only going to be in his boxers when they were going to bed tonight.

still fairly close to the door she heard the shower start and harry shriek.

"arabella?!"  harry yelled. 

arabella leaned her head against the wooden door seperating the two of them.

"harry," arabella answered in a tired voice "what's wrong?"

there was a short pause, the sound of running water was the only thing that was heard.

"are there sharks in here?" harry asked.

arabella fought the urge to laugh, because  harry sounded serious. he was kind of a funny drunk.

"um harry? i think your good." arabella said to him.

"are you sure?" 

"yes, i'm sure." arabella reassured.

after harry got over the idea there was sharks in the shower, arabella retreated to her bed  taking a seat on it. as soon as she did she could already feeling the need to sleep.  she glanced at the alarm clock on her nightstand the red numbers displaying the time to be 2:27 a.m.

just before arabella could look longingly at the door for harry to be finished, it opened. dressed just in his boxers like he said, arabella tried not to stare but it was hard not to. she only saw shirtless boys in movies or read them in books.

so she wasn't really prepared for the sight of harry's lean muscular body, and the tattoos that were inked on his chest like the big butterfly. 

you would think arabella would be used to seeing harry in this state because he crawls into her bed sometimes at night. but he falls asleep dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, not anything remotely comfortable for sleep.

now he stands, freshly showered his eyes still blood shot, but arabella could see how exhausted he was how he carried himself. 

"let's go to bed." arabella mumbled, at this point sleep was the only thing she wanted right now. harry nodded in agreement walking around to the other side of the bed. arabella slipped off her robe revealing her silk baby pink shorts with a singlet to match. 

 she tried to ignore the fact of how little clothes she and harry had on.  it was okay though, because it didn't mean anything. 

arabella climbed under the covers, harry following suit on the other side. within a few moments his arms wrapped around her pulling her flush to his chest. 

this was what she was used to, falling asleep in the arms of one who was just there to use her as a remedy for his sleep deprivation.

{made this longer than i intended. i hope you enjoyed!}

bedfellow | harry styles auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora