end note

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after much thought i have decided not to write a epilogue. my reasoning for this is i want the possibilities of what happen to arabella and harry be up to you and your imagination. let it be my gift to you for all your support.

the fact that bedfellow is now officially over is sad but i'm so glad how it turned out, and beyond happy with all the support from you guys. i want to make a special thanks to the ones who are reading this right now for making this far! thank you.

also special thanks to the ones who voted & commented! it means so much to have someone appreciate your work, and you guys made it happen.

for anyone that is interested  i have uploaded the first chapter of my new book called the art of living. it will be about a girl who has basically sworn off guys pegging them all to be heart breakers. 

it is a harry au and i am soooo excited to write it! so feel free to check it out. 

thank you thank you thank you thank you so much times infinite.

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