thirty eight

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harry left a hour ago, leaving her to sort things out with her mother or at least give her the chance to explain.

arabella twiddled with her fingers nervously as she walked to her door.  she didn't know if she was ready to here what her mother had to say, but at the same time she don't think she would ever be ready to here what her mother had to say.

arabella took a deep breath telling herself she needs to be a big girl and deal with her problems, her fingers latching on the door knob twisting it until it opened. she walked down the store to see a vacant living room.

entering the kitchen she then saw her mother slumped over the breakfast bar with smeared makeup all over her face no doubt from last night. she was staring at the mug of coffee she had in front of her and arabella wondered what could be so interesting about a mug of coffee.

"hey," she lamely greeted suddenly feeling awkward and uncomfortable like she was intruding on something personal.

her mother's head whipped up at the sound of her voice when she saw arabella she tried to smile, but it was weak probably from exhaustion.

"hey," her mother said in response pulling out the stool next to her patting the seat "come here."

arabella made her way to the stool taking a seat feeling anxious of this whole situation, but she felt like she owed herself and her mother this.

"i wish it never went down like this," her mother tells her letting out a sob her hand flying to her mouth.

she brought her hand down and took a deep breath looking at arabella with her tired expression.

"you're father was a wonderful man and i loved him very, very much." her mother started until arabella cut in.

"if you loved him so much why did you cheat on him?" arabella said bitterly having the sudden urge to defend her father.

her mother started crying again at her words, her body shaking with the weight of them. 

"it wasn't like that! your father and i were together for ten happy years, we were so in love with each other. but after awhile he grew more and more less interested in me, and it broke my heart. i didn't know what i was doing wrong." her mother explained.

arabella's  cold front that she was putting on toward her mother when she came down slowly started to melt away. her mother wasn't some heartless person, she was just hurting.

"i was a mess, so i decided to meet up with this guy to try to forget how much it hurt that you're father wasn't interested in me anymore. at the same time though the first time that this man's lips met with mine i knew this was wrong. i couldn't do it.'" her mother started to cry hysterically at this point. 

tears pouring out of her eyes yet she kept going with a terrible sadness in her voice that broke arabella's heart.

"it was too late though. your father had heard about me meeting up with this man, and he died on his way to confront me." sobs wracked through her body as she said the words dripping with guilt.

arabella grabbed her a tissue from a nearby tissue box handed it too her so she could wipe the tears and the snot from her nose from crying so hard.

arabella wished she would have heard her mother out earlier. believing she was some heartless woman who would hurt other people on purpose without even hearing her mother's side of what happened was wrong and she wished she could take it back.

arabella isn't saying what she did was exactly right either, but she could understand why she did things the way she did. 

so arabella pulled her mother into a hug her mother accepting as she cried into arabella's shoulder. after a few minutes she pulled back.

she wiped her tears with her hand, "i'm sorry i haven't told you earlier i didn't want you to see me as a bad mother. that's why i lied, it's a poor excuse but i couldn't fathom losing you too."

"you are going to have to give me a little time to digest things," arabella warned her.

arabella needed time to sort through everything she had just been dealt. she wasn't ready to just forgive her mother. she had made a terrible mistake, but everyone makes mistake. this one though costed her father's life unintentionally, and it was going to take her awhile to accept it.

"oh of course baby, i could understand how all of this can be hard for you to hear." her mother quickly responded.

arabella offered a small smile beginning to stand up, "here let me get you a warm cup of coffee."

she swiped her mother's mug from in front of her to dump out the cold coffee in sink. she figured it's been a rough night for her too, and after with her acting so hostile the least she could do was pour her some warm coffee.

"harry, what a lovely boy." her mother commented making arabella slightly freeze at the mention of harry.

"yes, yes he is" arabella murmured setting the mug of warm coffee in front of her.

"thank you dear." her mother said.

"well i'm going to head upstairs mother, you should get some sleep." arabella told her patting her shoulder.

"thank you for hearing me out ara," her mother looked up with shiny eyes. 

arabella just smiled exiting the room heading up the stairs. things seemed to be finally going on the right track even if it was happening piece by piece.

{two more chapters left guys.... isn't that crazy ? and like sad? because i'm going to miss writing about them. BUT I HOPE YOU ALL HAD WONDERFUL NEW YEARS AND I CAN'T SEEM TO EXPRESS HOW THANKFUL I AM FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT BY COMMENTING, READING, AND VOTING. THANK YOU}

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