thirty four

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arabella pressed her ear against the window straining to hear any sounds indicating that her mother was up. when she could here none, arabella let out a small sigh of relief and opened her door.

she crept quietly down the stairs, through the living room to the front door. she started to pull it open slowly when it let out a loud creak, arabella paused her heart racing at the thought of being caught by her sleeping mother.

than pushed aside the thought rather quickly when she remembered how her mother had betrayed her. she swung the door open wide letting it whine exiting through it letting it shut behind her with a thud.

arabella began to make the walk to the old baseball field to meet harry. when his father wrestled him away from her in the house she feared for his safety wanting to just go to him. to free him of his father and to run away again to the house they had found refuge in.

approaching closer to the field she saw harry's figure leaning against the old dugout. despite being exhausted both physically and mentally she willed her legs to speed up their pace. more than anything else right now she wanted harry's arm around her, to be able to hear this heart thump against his chest.

harry held his arms open wide as arabella fell into them. his arms quickly snaked around her waist pulling her up to him as she went almost limp in his arms.

she relaxed a little when she could hear his heartbeat, allowing herself to stand up a little straighter. 

she pulled away slightly from him  to see that his left eye was a little darker than the rest of the his face. even in the dark she could see the damage her father had done.

arabella's already sore eyes from crying started to produce more tears. harry leaned down attempting to kiss all the tears away that fell on her cheeks. 

"harry, i hurt. i can't stop the pain," arabella confesses the truth. 

the pain of his dad hitting him, the pain of finding out the shocking secret rhat she pried  that her mother was having an affair.  he didn't kill himself like her mother told her, instead her father was on his way to confront her mother when he died in an accident.

according to her mother, harry's dad and her's were best friends.  when he caught wind that arabella's mother was having an affair and that his best friend died on the way to confront the wrong her mother was doing he cut her and harry's friendship off. 

he wanted nothing to do with that family convinced that she must be terrible just like her mother. that is when he began to drink heavily, after his best friend's death.  when her mother told arabella all this, arabella wept. 

how could her mother do that to her father? her mother tried pleading with her trying to tell her it was all a mistake. arabella didn't want to hear another word of it.

she couldn't comprehend how her mother could cheat on a man like her father. all she could remember about him were happy memories, of how her mother and her father seemed madly in love grossing her out when she was young and she threw it all away.

"i'm so sorry that your father hits you because of my family." she sobbed into his chest. his shirt becoming damp with her tears.

"ara,  erase that thought from your head. my father is a grown man, he made that decision himself." harry told her rubbing her back with a free hand while his other arm still held her close to his chest.

 "i'm being so selfish, what happened with your father?" she wiped the tears off with the back of her hand, releasing a shaking breath raising her head so she could see harry's face.

he paused, she could feel the hesitation radiating off him.

"he said if i don't stay away from you, something bad will happen to you. " harry revealed in a angered tone.

arabella freed herself from harry's embrace suddenly finding infuriating. she knows harry well enough that he will distance himself from her like before. although it's to keep her safe, arabella knows it's utter b.ullshit.

she walks away from him her hands running through her hair.

"don't you walk away from us!" harry shouted to her still standing where she left him. 

she wheeled around to face him from where she was, " why don't you stand up for us?" she yelled in response now stomping back toward him.

"huh?" she said when he said nothing in response, "i am sick and tired of this harry."

harry let out a huff, she could also make out his clenched jaw in the darkness.

"you don't think this is hard for me? can't you see i need to keep you out of harms way? " harry told her exasperatedly. 

"hard for you? harry i just learned that my mother was having an affair, and my father died on his way to confront it. now i have to worry about losing you." arabella choked overcome with how real this whole situation was becoming.

would this be the last time between them?

harry cleared his throat," i can only imagine how hard it is for you to learn about your past. but it's just as hard to me to distance myself from you to keep you safe." harry told her. 

arabella took another step toward him so she was almost standing right in front of him. this needs to stop.

"i am old enough to make my own decisions, and i will not allow you to decide this one for me. that man will not lay hands on me or police will be involved. i want to fight for us harry, why don't you?" arabella questioned.

now this was harry's turn to run his fingers through his hair, "when it puts you in danger it changes everything for me. "

"how do you think it is for me knowing your in danger just about every time you walk through the front door?" arabella asks him frustrated.

for what seemed like forever they stared at each other not one of them backing down.

" godd.amnit ara, i'm so in love with you and if that means risking everything for everything then i'm in." harry says completely surprising arabella. she was so sure that he would argue more.

hope sparks inside arabella's chest pushing past all the emotional wreckage from the past few hours to her mouth, "i'm in too."

{long, but thoughts on this chapter? i love all your comments and votes they are all very much appreciated AND THANKS FOR OVER 3K READS THAT'S AMAZING THANKS. i hope you all are have a wonderful day.}

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