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arabella woke up feeling like death. she couldn't stop coughing and she had a runny nose to top it all off. she texted her mom asking her to call her in sick, her mom complied sending her get well wishes saying she wished she was home for her.

it had been a few days after the fight, and everything died down at school. arabella went back to being invisible other than the occasionally glance. harry on the other hand didn't hang out with the popular kids like he used to.

he was distant, not really talking to anyone.  he also made more eye contact with arabella, sometimes she would catch him staring at her in the halls or in lunch making arabella wonder why.

arabella burrowed in under her covers turning on netflix. after watching a couple episodes of the show she was currently into, she heard her window opening. 

turning her head quickly in that direction she saw harry. her eye's widened as harry climbed through the window looking frazzled. arabella stared in shock she didn't know what to say. she didn't know why he was here. he was supposed to be at school.

erupting into a coughing fit she cursed herself for doing so in front of harry. when she finished she looked up to see harry only a few feet away. arabella felt like choking. get it together arabella thought to herself.

"why are you here?" arabella managed to say. harry's face remain expressionless as he seemed to watch her closely.

his hand that was dormant at his side rose to her forehead. at the feeling of his hand's rough skin on her forehead arabella closed her eyes. she couldn't explain why she did it, but it felt right. he held it there for a couple moments before removing it.

arabella opened her eyes at  sudden end of contact that wasn't in the form of sleeping. he willingly put his hand on her forehead, a gesture she wasn't used to from this boy or any other.

"you're burning up." harry told her. arabella bit her lip, she didn't realize for even think to check that she had a fever.

groaning she threw herself back on the bed, she didn't want to be sick. she didn't want harry here to witness her like this. with her hair a mess, still in her pjs. but at the same time she was glad harry was there. that she had company,  and he chose her rather than going to school.

which must count for something.

"do you have some tylenol?" harry questioned.

arabella pointed to the her bathroom, "above the sink the mirror opens up" she informed. harry walked off to find her some tylenol. he came back with a cold wet washcloth and some tylenol. arabella thanked him, as she took the tylenol. 

"now lie back." harry instructed  putting the cold wet washcloth on her forehead carefully.

"why are you doing this?" arabella whispered staring at up at him. noticing how nice his eyes were. 

harry paused, eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed,  green eyes stared into hers.

"i don't know, i'm sorry. i shouldn't have come. i hope you feel better. get some rest." harry said in a rushed tone, almost frantic.

  arabella watched wordlessly as harry fast walked to her window, disappearing as if he never came. arabella had half the mind to actually think she imagined the whole thing, but the wet wash cloth on her forehead was proof that he was here.

arabella sneezed  blowing her nose with a tissue that she had scattered all over her bed from earlier. she felt disgusting, she didn't like the fact that harry kept messing with her head or that she was sick.

even though she was upset with harry for toying with her head, she took his advice and fell asleep.

she was such a hypocrite it disgusted her.

{ i don't know how i feel about this. also just a heads up, updates might not be as frequent :( because i'll be going to a place for two weeks where the wifi sucks. but i'll try to update as often as i can }

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