twenty two

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"harry, what happened?"  arabella asked softly.

she was being selfish asking him , but she figured ft might make him feel better to talk about it. she could hear the slight sharp intake of breath next to her, the bag of frozen bags harry had for his bruise crinkled.

"why would you ask that?" the question hung in the air for it wasn't a response arabella wasn't expecting. arabella who was on her back lying on her bed next to harry rolled over on her side her back facing him.

she was ashamed, and didn't want harry to see her like that.

"i thought you might feel better about it," arabella admitted. harry let out a humorless laugh.

"you're just waiting to hear the juicy details of how harry's dad decides to hit him once in a while," harry deadpanned.

but arabella was able to detect the hurt in his voice, rolling over quickly to face him. this wasn't about her. propping herself up on her elbow she looked down at harry noticing how his face had a faraway look to it.

she took her finger and lightly traced his hair line make him slightly shudder at the touch but then relax. 

"no harry, i care about you and seeing you this way makes me tremendously sad. your dad is s.hit for hitting you" harry's eyes met hers, one of  his hands reached up so that his knuckles grazed her cheek.

"i never want you to feel tremendously sad, especially because of me." harry muttered. arabella let out a huff, although his words were warming he was missing the point.

"harry," arabella said more sternly  having his attention right on her "it's not you. it's what your father did to you and how it's making you feel. don't blame yourself."

harry didn't say anything at this just stared at her as if pondering the meaning of her words. it hurt arabella to think that harry really thought it was his fault that his dad was low enough to put his hands on his son.

he dropped his hand then preceded to roll on his side so his back was facing her. arabella's heart didn't know if it could handle another blow from the display she was seeing. she molded herself next to him wrapping her arm around his torso. her face nuzzled in his neck.

"it's not your fault,"  she whispered somewhat desperate. she didn't want him to feel like this, she wanted him to feel better. like he had made her feel on days she didn't want to get out of bed during those few weeks. how he held her close to whisper beautiful, positive things in her ear to make her smile.

in that moment though she couldn't seem to grasp a positive thing  to say and began to slightly panic. she brushed her lips against the base of his neck delivering soft kisses as her hand began to move in circles on his stomach in hope to relax  him.

''are you rubbing my stomach?" harry laughed. 

arabella flamed red stopping her hand and lifting her head. 

"you're so red! baby, you're so cute." harry cooed rolling over wrapping his arms around her pulling her close.

arabella was glad that the conversation began to get lighter, she could understand why harry didn't want to talk about it. although she knew at some point he had to, it wasn't healthy to keep it bottled inside.

he needed to let her in, not shut her out.

{ thoughts? }

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