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after harry set her on her feet, he grabbed her hand leading her through the doors of the twenty four hour run down coffee shop.  soaked and tired  arabella took a seat in the chair at the table which resided against a wall.

glancing around she saw a clock that read it was past eleven, probably the reason why there was only a couple other people here. although it was small it was clean she could tell my the smell of cleaner, but the smell of coffee almost covered it.

looking closely at the walls she realized they were covered in words. turning to her left she faced the wall that she was next to.  there were phrases, words, short paragraphs  in all different fonts and colors.  words overlapped words, quotes and opinions stood side by side each other. the other thing? they were from newspapers and book pages sticking to the wall. some handwritten with old cursive, some old and yellow, some new.

it was beautiful. 

" i can tell you've never been here before" harry commented. she turned  to harry who sat across from her with small smile on his face. his hair was dripping wet puddles forming the table as he  leaned on his elbows, his hair falling almost flat against his face slightly frizzy.

it was weird seeing him like this, different from his usual cold, serious self.

a waitress came taking their order of coffees and a banana nut muffin back to the kitchen. arabella stared at harry trying to understand what was all happening, trying to process the fact that harry had carried her here and held her hand the few moments before.

the waitress came back with their coffees, arabella eager to take a sip struggling not to shiver in front of harry. the warm liquid burned but was worth it.  as she put the mug down she felt harry's hands taking hers in his.

" you're shaking." he muttered gently massaging them before enclosing them completely in hers as he lifted them to his mouth where he blew gently on her hands. her hands warming from the warmth of his breath.

arabella watched in awe as she watched harry. this side of harry was one she only caught glimpse's  of even if most of them happened tonight. he was caring, there not distant. 

her body felt like it was on fire from this contact, the simple gesture of harry warming her hands. scratch that it wasn't a simple gesture. she could feel it was complex, arabella wondered if this would open the door to a whole other world. one she wasn't sure she was ready for.

or maybe it is a simple gesture and she's just  looking way into it.

harry's eyes lifted to meet her's, a soft beautiful green.

"better?"  harry asked. 

arabella just nodded not trusting herself to say the right words to what she was feeling, what she didn't want to feel. she didn't know how many times she could stand getting hurt over and over again.

the waitress came back with her banana nut muffin, arabella mustering a thank you. she let out a yawn suddenly not hungry anymore.

"s.hit, i don't know what to do about this rain." harry confessed twisted around staring out the storefront windows to see the rain coming down hard on the sidewalks.

"what do you mean?" arabella asked confused. 

harry twisted back around his eyebrows furrowed.

" i mean, you're soaking wet and tired and it's a walk back" harry explained.

arabella considered all his points, considered they were all good points. she tried to think of things to remedy the problem.

" i think there might be a bus left " arabella thought aloud. 

" and that bus leaves in one minute!" the waitress  pointed to the bus visible sitting at the end of the street.

"s.hit!" harry exclaimed springing from his seat slapping a ten on the table, arabella let out a breath of a laugh running beside him out the doors to the bus that began inching away.

" hold on!" harry yelled. 

arabella was still tired but right now she felt alive at the whole thing. the bus stopped, them climbing on sheltered from the rain.

the bus driver just shook his head and drove ahead. the bus was mostly empty, so arabella plopped herself down in on one of the nearest seats. harry sitting next to her, arabella rested her head on his shoulder exhaling.

within ten minutes the bus pulled up to her, their street. they clambered off walking the short distance to her house. she was glad that they walked. she wasn't sure she could have run again. digging in her pocket for her keys to feel nothing. panic rose inside her, she must have lost her keys while running.

"no, no, no, no"  arabella muttered. 

she spun to harry with wide eyes, " i  must have dropped  my keys!"  

what would she do? where would she sleep? arabella wanted to cry at her own stupidity. 

"it's okay, it's okay " harry reassured her " we'll just sleep at mine."

arabella hadn't even thought of that idea, but at this point she was all for it. she couldn't believe it almost, he was inviting her to his house. grabbing her hand again he led her next door to his house. 

he opened the door, pulling her inside. she could hear a tv on and the strong smell of alcohol. he carefully shut the door behind her and climbed up the stairs in front of them quickly. when they reached the door at the top of the stairs they quickly went inside.

arabella didn't even have the energy to take in his room she just wanted to sleep. she took a seat on the messy bed, watching harry rummage through his dresser, pulling out a pair of boxers and a white tee.

"change into those" harry instructed dutifully turning around giving her privacy. arabella stripped down to her underwear pulling the boxers on rolling waist band a bit. she slipped on his white tee shirt  that was nicely over sized on her.

"i'm decent " she let him know.  harry turned around with a smile on his face as he looked her up and down. arabella blushed as he did. what was happening between them?  she was wearing his clothes.  arabella looked at the bed ready to collapse on the small twin, when she hesitated.

"how many girls have been on this bed?'" she asked facing away from him. she was almost afraid to know his answer, she knew he had girlfriends, saw them in here from her window.

she didn't want to be another girl who he got in his bed.

"you would be the first," harry confessed arabella almost not believing his words, but she could tell he was telling the truth by the tone of his voice.

"now i can't say the same for the floor" he remarked arabella's face twisted in disgust.

"uh gross" arabella jumped onto the bed now wanting her bare feet to touch the floor where harry screwed someone.

arabella moved to the side of the bed closet to the wall burrowing herself under his covers appreciating the distinct smell of harry that she secretly comforted her.

harry let out a light chuckle, changing before climbing into bed with her. this time when his arm wrapped around her waist pulling her back to his chest she could tell that this wasn't nothing. his warm breath tickling her as he nuzzled his face into her neck.

"i'm glad you're the first."

{ hi, hope you enjoyed. how would you guys feel about a harry chapter? like in his pov? comment and let me know. hope you had a good dayyyyy :) }

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