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"hey, so i was wondering if you would want to um do something later?" 

harry leaned against the locker beside arabella's startling her. other than the friendly smiles in the hall they haven't spoken to each other. harry respected arabella's request of time keeping his distance.

yet she could feel his gaze on her in halls and classes, and glared at anyone if they said a comment about her. arabella appreciated that.

in that time though, arabella got better. as much as it sucked she peeled herself out of bed, remembered to eat and shower. brushing her hair became a regularity for her again not to mention she didn't feel so miserable.

she went back to school knowing she would get too far behind if she kept skipping. besides she knew she had to get out of the house and be productive.

so when arabella was approached with that question she was stunned. grabbing her backpack she shut her locker looking at him. she could feel the stares of her classmates, all eager to watch what harry might want with her. she ignored them.

"what time is later?" she questioned.  

harry's face scrunched up in thought," how about seven?" 

arabella nodded with a small smile, " i think i can do that."

harry smiled letting out what sounded like a sigh of relief.

"well i'll see you later then?" harry asked pushing himself off the locker.

"yes," arabella confirmed slowly realizing what this meant.

walking home she anticipated what was gonna happen tonight. she was going to go out with harry. that night. at home arabella took a shower taking upon reading to pass the time until having to get ready.

when six thirty rolled around she decided it was time to get ready and to stop putting it off. a sense of panic washed over her as she opened her closet not knowing what to wear. it all depends on what they were doing really.

and she had no idea what they were doing.

her fingers touched a floral dress arabella biting her lip debating on wearing it. she pushed it aside though, she didn't want to be too dressy. she kept pushing the clothes on the hangers to the side until she came upon a simple black and white striped shirt. 

she paired it with her cute light was jean waisted shorts tucking it in. she slipped on her high top converse remembering she couldn't just neglect her hair which was at the moment in a very messy bun she threw up quickly just to get the hair off her neck.

cringing as her hair tie pulled her hair as she fought it out she caught sight of the time on the clock. it's hands nudging quickly to seven, she had about ten minutes. once the hair tie was out she quickly brushed her hair doing some quick loose french braids.

running to the bathroom she brushed her teeth in record time, and applied some eyeliner. staring at her reflection she quickly grabbed her maroon lipstick applying it, she wanted to make an impression.

finally satisfied she went down stairs right as someone knocked on the door. nerves took over her as she walked to the door, because she was going out with harry! this probably classifying for a date.

wow. a date. it would be her first.

she opened the door to reveal a cleaned up harry. he smelled of a good cologne going perfectly with his look of a white buttoned up with the sleeves rolled up the top few buttons undone. she could see the outlines of his tattoos and his chest faintly, but still visible.

wearing it with his signature black skinny jeans and old brown scuffed up boots. his curly hair was held back with a black head scarf, arabella couldn't help but take in his appearance. she could feel harry's eyes doing the same to hers, hoping he liked what he saw.

"you look great," harry complimented.

arabella blushed, " you clean up nice" she returned meaning it.

she don't know if she's ever seen harry dressed this nice. closing the door behind her as she fully stepped out, her and harry only a few feet apart.

"uh, so you ready?" harry asked. arabella nodded, she could tell he was nervous just as she with how his finger kept tapping against his thigh. 

she followed him to his truck climbing herself before harry could open the door for her. she appreciated the fact that he owned a old truck and not a new macho look at me truck.

glancing around she could see the truck was pretty clean, and saw a scented tree hang off his mirror. she smiled at the thought of him cleaning his truck for her. or maybe he just kept his truck clean, but she doubted it.

as he got into the truck he glanced at arabella looking her over, the glint in his eyes telling her that he couldn't believe she was sitting there. just like she couldn't believe she was sitting in his truck with him.

he started his truck and were soon enough heading down the road to a destination harry had yet to share with her.

"where are we going?" arabella asked curiously.

"the ocean" harry stated with a smile playing on his lips.

arabella's eyes grew wide, she's never been to the ocean before and she knew it was a while away. at least over a hour away which meant being in the car with harry for a while. oh boy.

"is that okay with you?" harry rushed must have taken in her expression of shock.

" no it's okay ! i just, wow the ocean!" arabella says looking at him.

harry visibly relaxed at her words. the silence that was settling upon  them was unsettling. it was awkward, so arabella reached for the ancient radio knob blasting some pop station. she winced quickly turning it to some station that ended up being country.

she turned it again coming across a station with a interesting song, and left it at that. 

"i never said you could touch my radio." harry teased. arabella stuck her tongue out in response propping her feet on the dashboard.

it was crazy to think that they went from no conversation to gradual to blow up to... this. this was like a fresh start as if they weren't ever bedfellows in the first place. now they were on the road to more, joking along with each other along the way.

they still had a while to go, but baby steps arabella reminded herself as she looked at harry's face that expressed the emotion happiness. one that was such a rare look on him she almost didn't notice it.

but the dimples and crinkles by his eyes gave him away, arabella couldn't believe she hadn't noticed these details before and wondered what other ones she  had  overlooked.

{idk so this happened, hoped you enjoyed!}

bedfellow | harry styles auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin